Senior Moments:: Nedra, Calais High School * Class of 2021

In a year that has been anything but normal, it’s great to have people getting their senior photos scheduled. Nedra and I had a great time recently photographing her and letting her personality come through. A strong athlete and great student, this one also has a very natural ability in front of a camera. Luckily the sun was starting to set and her family members were getting hungry, otherwise I could have continued to photograph for hours!

Here’s a sneak peak of a few of my favorites from her session. And a reminder to everyone that senior photos don’t need to be boring. No photo shoot with me ever is, but….

Her mom asked me to get a photo showing this necklace as it is important to them as a family. I love it when people ask to do things like that. Plus it gave us a reason to experiment more which I also love!

Her mom asked me to get a photo showing this necklace as it is important to them as a family. I love it when people ask to do things like that. Plus it gave us a reason to experiment more which I also love!

So, thank you Nedra for being so fun and up for whatever! And to her family who patiently let us do what we wanted to get photos that show her as she is now. I hope your Senior year is filled with lots of good, despite things feeling so uncertain right now!

** And a reminder to those of you who keep bringing up Senior photos: reach out and get in the books! Not to be pushy, but the sooner the better. No matter what the beginning of the school year looks like this Fall, it’s going to suddenly feel hectic whether they are in school or learning at home.

From The Archives:: Jess/Meow of Maine Roller Derby

Meow is what we call her in the derby world, but in her professional world she is Jessica (Jess? I don’t even know because although I do find myself in pieces of the real estate world, our paths don’t cross in that arena. Only in roller derby). Meow is an amazing derby player and also a great team mate. So, I reached out to her for my project.

This photo of her was taken at the former Happy Wheels (RIP). Hopefully one day we will get back to gathering in closed spaces with skates on, or to cheer on our friends in skates. But until then, I will continue to share a few more stories of these cool people I know who are trying to find their way in this new normal that keeps shifting….

Meow’n Em Down getting ready to do what she does during a closed Maine Roller Derby Scrimmage at Happy Wheels a few winters ago…

Meow’n Em Down getting ready to do what she does during a closed Maine Roller Derby Scrimmage at Happy Wheels a few winters ago…

Name:  Jessica Locke/ Meow

Occupation: Real Estate Appraiser

“ A lot has been challenging since COVID-19, but, probably the hardest part has been finding motivation.  Typically, I'm highly self-motivated, complete daily checklists, etc but I find myself excusing more breaks (Netflix) from whatever I am suppose to be accomplishing.  It's difficult to readjust my focus on what a "productive day" might look like now that I'm utilizing different systems/resources than before. 

A silver lining to this situation is the amount of quality time with my husband, Josh.  Honestly, at the beginning of shelter-in-place I thought we would end up fighting more but we really haven't. With nothing but time to share full and complete thoughts our ability to actually understand each other seems to have grown. Hopefully I didn't just jinx the whole situation. 

I most look forward to being able to travel again. Particularly,  we've had to push back going to see family in New York several times.  It's emotionally taxing not to know when trips like that will be able to happen.”


Thanks Meowmeow! Looking forward to seeing you in real time again and hoping that also involves roller skates ❤️

From The Archives:: Melissa, Art Teacher

Frida/Melissa is one of my roller derby pals. As an art teacher and a person I love photographing, I knew I wanted to ask her to be part of this project. I had no photo in mind when I reached out to her WEEKS ago, so she got back to me real quick before I was ready for a post. I found this image that I have love but had my own hesitations in using. Things I notice that make me think ‘oh maybe not for instagram.’ But this project has not only allowed me to hear from people during all the Covid concerns but also got me to loosen up about some of the images I wasn’t super sure about sharing.

So, yes she shared this with me several weeks ago and some things have shifted and school has ended for the year as of this week, it is still relevant and an important part of this project to hear her perspective. Especially since she is currently in quarantine in order to have surgery in the coming days….

Frida Rockit coaching the Maine Roller Deber RIP Tides at Happy Wheels in Portland, Maine.

Frida Rockit coaching the Maine Roller Deber RIP Tides at Happy Wheels in Portland, Maine.

Name: Melissa Prescott (aka Frida Rockit)

Occupation/Business:  Middle School Visual Art Teacher

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?
 I work as a middle school visual art teacher - and my birthday, March 13, was likely the last day I'll teach kids in person this school year. Like all teachers, I'm working hard and doing my best to teach my students remotely.

2. What has been most challenging?
Not being able to teach in person is very challenging, as is not being able to visit with friends and loved ones - but video calls are helping. However, I think the most challenging part for me is the anxiety that comes with knowing that my loved ones who are immunocompromised are likely to have serious health complications if they catch the virus. Thinking that they could be in a hospital, in a life-threatening situation, and I wouldn’t be able to see them is terrifying.   It’s also infuriating to know that people are now more at-risk and will have to continue sheltering in place EVEN LONGER because some people refuse to follow basic CDC safety rules. It’s a disgrace that local law-enforcement agencies, who are are already overwhelmed with domestic violence calls, now have to divert precious resources to answer calls about businesses that are putting people’s lives at risk for profit and politics.  It’s also a disgrace that businesses and employees that have lost their income due to following the rules to keep people safe are still not getting the income support that was promised by our government. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?
Even though remote learning is challenging, I've been able to connect with and support my students online, and that helps me feel like I’m making a difference. A local arts organization (BAAM - Bethel Area Arts and Music) donated money so we could get free art supplies out to our kids, and it was awesome to share this news with them and see how much this brightened their day. The positive feedback that I’m seeing from students and parents about the work that teachers are doing is uplifting.  It’s also encouraging to see how many people are finally realizing that schools do so much more than teach content. 

Another silver lining is the connections I've been able to have with friends on Zoom. While it’s not the same as seeing each other in person, I’ve been able to talk frequently with many people that I didn’t normally see or talk to very often before the pandemic. It’s so easy to get caught up in the routine of daily life, but in the absence of that, it's very comforting to feel the support of my friends and loved ones from afar.  I'm even more grateful now for the friendships that I've developed and maintained with many people over the years - they have helped keep me afloat when I feel like I might be drowning.

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?
I hope everybody remembers how important healthy relationships with people really are, and how critical they are for supporting us when we’re going through hard times. I hope everybody has a better understanding of how critical it is to have social safety nets in place in our country, because anybody can fall on hard times through no fault of their own.  I hope that people have a better understanding of the deadly consequences of science denial, and are more likely to listen to the warnings of doctors and scientists. I also hope that people support their local public schools and teachers with even more energy than before. This is a long road, and we’re not out of the woods yet.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?
What I’m most looking forward to is being able to see my loved ones face-to-face when it's finally safe for them to stop sheltering in place.

6. Anything else you want to share..?
I also really miss my Maine Roller Derby family, and the supportive routines that I had as part of the MRD organization. I hope that we can find a new normal soon, and return to play when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we’re supporting each other the best we can through the magic of the interwebs, and the foundation of trust and respect that that comes with true roller derby love. 
I also know that I’m very privileged to still have my health, a job with income and health coverage, supportive friends and family, and a safe place to live - I wish the for the same for everyone, and I'll continue to do my part to have a positive impact on my community.

Frida after a roller derby bout at the Portland Expo.

Frida after a roller derby bout at the Portland Expo.

Thank you, Frida/Melissa for sharing your story and for always being so fun, passionate, and enthusiastic about everything. I miss laughing with you over silly stuff while stretching at the end of derby practice. Now heal up and stay healthy!


From The Archives:: Dava of Portside Real Estate

Dava found me years ago as she was starting a new real estate business known as Portside Real Estate. Since then her company has gown and grown and expanded to have several locations in different zip codes. I have been doing the head shots for her company since they started, and it’s been pretty great to watch from a distance how much her company has grown and her life has shifted. She also remains one of my most decisive family photo clients. Nobody picks their final images as quickly as Dava does!

Whenever I see her, she has a smile and a hug for me, and I think it’s safe to say we are always glad to see each other. I can’t imagine how tough things were when this all started and gears needed to shift, knowing how many people’s livelihoods were relying on her. I know for many the tough part was the uncertainty and not knowing how long things would be shut down (and that is still the hard part even though things have started to shift), but I think for some too much time spent in that worry is not an option. Dig in and find a way. And maybe be grateful for some of the shifts that start to happen. Shifts like more time with your kids and at home. More time to listen and think and come up with solutions. Something a lot of smart, hard working people I know have managed to do. Dava is one of those people.

Dava and her boys in front of the Portland Museum of Art.

Dava and her boys in front of the Portland Museum of Art.

Name: Dava Davin

Occupation/Business: Portside Real Estate Group, Founder + CEO

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? I unequivocally know that I would not want to be quarantined with anyone else but my handsome, kind-hearted husband, my two smart and funny boys, and the cutest pup in Maine. 

2. What has been most challenging? Figuring out how to make this time the best it can be for the 100ish Portsiders. Sleepless nights of trying to solve the puzzle when the pieces keep getting sucked up by the vacuum. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Oh yes, I have been strangely inspired by all of this to be a better leader, to serve more people, and to do my part to be helpful. We don't know what we are capable of until we are knocked down. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? The less full schedule, having dinner every single night with the ones I love the most. 

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? Hands down, seeing my mom and dad, those two beautiful humans that taught me to follow my dream and take risks, to work hard, and see the beauty around me. 



So, thank you Dava for years of photos and for sharing a piece of your story with me for this project! Looking forward to the days when Portsiders are gathering and raising money for another great local organization… whenever that can happen again!

From The Archives:: Kelley of Wildflours Bakery

Kelley and I met years ago when I was newly gluten-free and trying to find yummy treats and I found myself in her bakery/shop. Then we became roller derby team mates. In times of chaos she is the one you want by your side or in your corner. And I think she has proven that during these ever-changing times brought to us by Covid19. She and her staff have adapted over and over to make sure they keep going and keep their customers safe.

This time has definitely showed us who can and will dig in and find ways to keep going. I admire Kelley for that. That small business owner New England style grit, coupled with a smile and a at times a sparkle in the eye. Which is why I needed to share this photo of her after being sent to the penalty box during a roller derby bout. It fits the times, whether we are dealing with a pandemic or not. Plus, it’s perfectly her.


Kelley Hughes

Owner, Wildflours Gluten-Free Bakery

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? Both my husband and I are essential workers. So- juggling work, parenting and homeschooling has been a learning experience, for sure.

2. What has been most challenging? Trying to stay in the here and now. Thinking about the future and all of the “what-ifs”is a slippery slope.

I mean, there is a certain amount of business and life planning I can attempt, but I feel like for right now, I’m better served by a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other approach. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Lydia, my 10-year old works with me a few early mornings a week. She’s been really helpful (she’s an expert donut glazer now) and it’s been fun to witness her pride in her work. It’s also created a new and sweet sort of bond between us. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? I actually appreciate the slower pace, I hope we can hang on to a bit of that.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? Traveling to friends who live “away”. 

If you are looking for a gluten-free bakery, be sure to check out Wildflours on your next time through Brunswick, Maine! Or drive out of your way like some of us do because we need a tasty treat or a honey corn muffin…

From The Archives:: Rachel

Next up in the From the Archives project is Rachel. I photographed their wedding and have done a few shoots for her and her husband, Chris, for their entrepreneurial endeavors. Lucky us, we got their recent round of photos done this winter, before our lives shifted so drastically. We slid down ice trails in the woods by their house, and laughed and captured various bits of each of their personalities for various marketing needs. This image remains one of my favorites from that day.


Name: Rachel Horton White

Occupation/Company: Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Founder/Owner

What has changed for you since this all began? At the beginning, the only thing was switching to virtual client sessions and my children being at home for me to homeschool, along with my mother's help. However, since then, my grandfather got the virus, and we decided to move to a new house, which we are currently hunting for. 

What has been the hardest part? The past 2 weeks have been some of the hardest in my life. The hardest parts are conflicts with a few family members and my sadness at the vast amount of disinformation and fear being spread and absorbed. The stress of worrying about my grandfather's health and now looking to move has been quite overwhelming. 

And what, if anything, has surfaced as a bit of a silver lining during this time for you? My children are enjoying exploring in nature and doing hands-on projects. We have had nice connections with some neighbors and seen more people out in the streets and families together than ever. My business and the work I do with spiritual seekers and clients who I feel a deep connection with has brought me great joy. I have been blessed to have people seeking out intuitive readings with me from around the world

Are there any shifts you are hoping stay in place as we move forward?  I like the simplicity of cooking at home and finding family activities to do here. Our society was consumerism in overdrive and it imploded. I realize now that we really don't need to go out to eat or to entertainment to enjoy ourselves.

What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? I am looking forward to going back out into the world and seeing people in person as opposed to just on the computer. I can't wait to hang out with friends again and have cookouts and potlucks! 

Thank you, Rachel, for trusting me to capture you and for sharing a bit of your story during this time!

From The Archives:: Kate, Writer & Film Maker

Kate. Kate & Betsy. I used Kate’s words but had to use this photo of the two of them, from a spontaneous run-in one day as I was leaving a shoot, saw them in their driveway and jumped out with my camera and possibly startled them both, but then we laughed and caught up and I took this photo of them. I love it. I love moments like that. Even if I do scare people by yelling out my window at them.

Before the Covid came to town we have worked on several collaborative projects of theirs, shared many stories, ideas, and eats in their kitchen, and were starting a winter game night when suddenly we weren’t going into each other’s homes anymore. Someday we’ll get back to sharing those moments. But today I’ll share Kate’s story and a photo I took on a random cold day…..


Kate Kaminski, Writer/Filmmaker (About to be Former Adjunct Professor)

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?

I really miss being in a classroom with my students. I’m teaching my final semester of college film studies this month, so I’m a little sad I won’t get to have that “last class” and be able to give these past 20 years of my working life a proper farewell. (I guess I’ll have to find another way!)

2. What has been most challenging?

Worry and stress, compounded by a fairly significant life change. This is one scary virus and I definitely don’t want to risk getting it so going out is fraught.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?

I’m finding a lot of inspiration working in my garden. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have had this much time to dig in the dirt, move plants and tidy up. I wish you could come over and hang out in it with me because it's looking really good:)

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

I’d like to think that we will all be more aware of the huge contributions of service workers (of all types) to our overall, collective quality of life and learn how to be kinder and more appreciative of each other. I won’t miss having to shake hands, so that can go away forever. But mostly, I truly hope this terrible event helps us move toward a more equitable society for all people, especially the most disadvantaged among us.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?

I look forward to being able to hang out with friends again. I keenly miss my friends.


Let’s also give it up for Kate who just finished up 20 years of teaching. In the middle of a pandemic. What a strange way to end a huge life chapter (or entire book)…

Thanks Kate! I too look forward to hanging with my friends. Very Much xoxo

From The Archives:: Blake from Coast 93.1

You may know this guy, or at least you may have heard his voice on your radio in the morning if you live in Southern Maine. Whenever I see him he has a smile and a hug for me and makes the time to chat and laugh, even if we are both working. He is often a welcome and familiar face at any event I may run into him.

And plus, this photo is pretty classic Blake. I like an image of someone that makes me think I would probably get along with that person. Perhaps this is actually how I approach photographing people more often than I was aware.

This project is teaching me so much! Ha!

Blake, on a rooftop in 2019.

Blake, on a rooftop in 2019.

Blake Hayes
Occupation/Business:  radio personality / morning show host (coast 93.1)

What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?

I miss my friends! Of course we talk and text and video call often, but human connection is important to me. I miss being able to hug the people I love, and hug the people who start as strangers and could become friends.

Have you found any silver linings you care to share?

I have never felt more grateful to have a job, and a job that seems to mean something to people. Every day that we are on the radio, I feel like we are doing our show specifically for the front line.  Because I’m lucky enough to still be working, I have been trying to support the local restaurants by getting takeout as often as I can. It’s a spoiled way to be living in these times, but it has given me something to look forward to each day: what amazing restaurant will I call today?!  Plus, it’s been a nice way to connect with the community, even if just for a masked hand-off.   

Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

I think we have all connected with people in a deeper and more important way than we did before. I know I have reached out to friends who I hadn’t reached out to in awhile. And I’ve heard from people who I hadn’t talked to recently. I hope that continues! Life has slowed down. And sometimes it would be good to do that again.

What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?

Hug people!! Of all the things I miss right now, hugging people is number one. But I also can’t wait to sit at a bar, have a conversation with the bartender, without some homemade stitched cloth separating our faces, as I wait for friends to arrive, hug, and be close with one another.


Thanks, Blake for being part of this and for always being a friendly face whenever I run into you. I am looking forward to getting a hug in when the time finally allows!

xo~ jb

From The Archives:: Sean

Sean and I have crossed paths here and there over the years over what I like to refer to as “the Portland thing”. One day we were on set together and I took this image of him. I LOVEloveLOVE shooting behind the scenes images for film and video productions (and anything really that needs that kind of documentation of a process). And if I’m not following the camera crew around I definitely gravitate to the sound person. I can’t fully explain why, it’s just what always seems to happen.

Had I not been doing this project, it is unlikely I would have ever reached out to Sean and learned of some of his challenges during this time. I think when I got his email I had that feeling that YES, this was a good project for me to take on. In the middle of a pandemic people shared their stories and worries just so I could share it with a photo of them I liked. So, although focus has been hit or miss for me during all of this, I’m glad I picked this project to not only work on but to look forward to. It’s reminding me how good we all can be, even when things aren’t easy.

So, thank you Sean for sharing with me! One day so many of us will be on a set again, grateful for the work and the camaraderie.


Sean Slaughter. Musician/ Sound Mixer in the TV/film industry 

1. The most notable change in my life has been I’ve barely worked in 2 months (Location Sound Mixer in the film/television industry). I’ve been at home all that time, except for going out for necessities and taking the family (wife Marie and 14 year old son Evan) our for family walks with our dog, Arrow. I haven’t played music with anyone in person for all that time either. Thankfully I’ve done some fun remote collaborations with other musicians through the internet. 

2. The most challenging part of this era is trying to make sure my wife and son are happy and well taken care of. Our son has Autism and he doesn’t really understand why he can’t go to school or see people, aside from my wife and I. He has limited communication skills, but we know he’s lonely and sad. Also a distant second place answer here is-dealing with all the idiots who think this disease is a hoax. That is VERY challenging. It drives me insane. They are going to prolong the problem by not following proper protocol. This is a tug of war between humans and a virus. You can’t have humans jumping over the line and pulling the rope on the virus’ side and expect good results. 

3. The silver linings for me are-

A-Spending more time with my family

B-My mind being temporarily free of the normal hustle and bustle of being a free lance worker

C-Since my mind is less occupied I’ve picked up my guitar and have been writing lyrics and music. Haven’t done that in a long time. I’ve been doing more creative passion projects in general (Editing music and videos). I’ve missed that. 

D-Mother Nature is getting a long overdue respite from the constant abuse we humans dole out. 

4. I hope there is a global shift in the way that humans operate. On all levels. This could be a great wake up call. Hopefully greed and stupidity won’t win out. It’s been winning here in the USA for so long it’s hard to see it not winning here, but hopefully humans will treat each other and the environment with more care and compassion. Also I hope my mind stays more relaxed.

5. I can’t wait to be able to connect with humans again in the real world; loved ones, friends, acquaintances. Playing shows, working film/tv shoots, going to restaurants and picnics, going to the beach, having fun with real live people.



Until we meet again… on a set or at a show…. I will take your advice and try to be part of the solution!

~ Judy

From The Archives:: Edie From Locations Real Estate

Edie Fontaine is the co-owner of Locations Real Estate in Falmouth, Maine. My photo life has brought me to her several times over the past few years. Each time I hang out with her and her team there is a lot of laughter. So, of course I had to reach out to her and include them in my current photo project.

Mo & Edie, Portland City Hall.

Mo & Edie, Portland City Hall.

Even though we just did another round of photos for their company right before everything went crazy, I am sharing this one from the archives because it remains one of my favorites of her and her business partner/friend, Maureen Zemrak. And I know this image is also hanging in Edie’s house, so that makes this photo matter even more to me. If you take the time to print, frame, and display a photo then it’s an image that makes you feel something. It’s a moment that matters. And that’s worth sharing.

So, thank you Edie for making me laugh. And for being open and honest as we navigate this strange new normal we are all in in…

Edie Fontaine, Broker/co-owner of Locations Real Estate Group

“I think the most notable change is I have been forced to slow way down.  I really haven't taken what anyone would consider a vacation in about 20 years.  Ive noticed that I'm LIVING in my home now as opposed to home being a landing spot in between appointments.  I discovered I really like my house!

The most challenging thing so far is keeping my "worst case scenario" personality in check!   I really can't think about this global pandemic, shutdown, toilet paper emergency too deeply or I will become full on agoraphobic.  Right now the thought of going into Hannaford is like dipping my toe in a rolling pot of nuclear waste.

Silver linings - time with my youngest son, Taemin.  One of the finest 12 year old boys you could ever hope to know.  We are reading together, talking about life and reconnecting in a way that I would never have been afforded without this crisis.

I'd love to stay as connected to home and family as I am now.  I'm not sure that life lines up that way, we tend to lean way into the familiar.  What has been familiar, is working at a breakneck pace.

I'm looking forward to the time when I can safely injury myself and go to the hospital without leaving with a COVID-19 parting gift!!!  Slightly accident prone, I am.

I'd like to share that I officially understand now what a shit show this world is.  I discovered you can't trust "grown ups".  I understand too that we are capable of astounding things, like sheltering in place, wearing masks, and the willingness to do this with relative ease because if not we can hurt people.  That's encouraging to me.  Lastly, I find myself feeling like getting back to normal may not be what we should be hoping for.  I'm not sure "normal" was all that worthy of our affection.”

You can find Locations Real Estate (and their recent new photos!) here

Give Me Your Huggy Smiles

Is it better to share past moments as a reminder or better to share present moments, even if they seem less happy? Is it too hard to see reminders of what you can’t be doing right now?

Maybe. For some. But for others we need the reminders. The smiles. The glimpses of moments that make us feel, that remind, that ground us both in the past and in the present, while looking forward to what may come. Folders and folders of images unshared, blog posts unpublished. And I find myself looking at my work differently these days.

Leaguemates! Maine Roller Derby skaters Slammin’, Wrex, and Ax at Happy Wheels, December 15, 2019.

Leaguemates! Maine Roller Derby skaters Slammin’, Wrex, and Ax at Happy Wheels, December 15, 2019.


In December our local roller rink closed. This winter a story was published sharing news of the possibility of another rink to be built. In March the Corona Virus showed up on our shores and everything started to change and shift quickly. Weeks into school closures and stay at homes orders, I find images in my folders needing to be shared. Friends sharing final moments on skates, at a roller rink that no longer is, way before we knew that soon all sports and gatherings of people would also come to a halt.


So, do we share these moments and risk feeling sad? Or do we share and remember and smile? Find a thing to focus on, a thing to get back to…?


I think we share. We keep pushing forward and tell the stories and share the moments but somehow remember and focus on the now at the same time. Because believe me I never thought I would be so badly craving having my camera capture a hug between friends/family/teammates/strangers. I always knew that’s where it was for me, I never thought I would have to know what it feels like to not be chasing down those moments.


So, while I normally gravitate to the photos where people are less camera aware, or are at least not mugging for the camera, I am suddenly wanting more and more of the silly huggy smiles FOR the camera. These shared bits of happiness between people.

So, YES I can’t wait to get back to gatherings of humans for my camera to capture. But I also know some things will be forever changed. And that is somehow ok, even if we don’t know yet what it means.

Last Maine Roller Derby bout at Happy Wheels, 12/15/19. Happy Wheels Skate Center, Portland, Maine.

Last Maine Roller Derby bout at Happy Wheels, 12/15/19. Happy Wheels Skate Center, Portland, Maine.

All images in this post were taken at Happy Wheels Skate Center, Warren Avenue, Portland, Maine on December 15th, 2019 during the final roller derby bout at that facility.

For now, we skate separately on our neighborhood streets and basement floors…. waiting for the days when we can gather in groups and skate our hearts out.

Be safe & don’t forget to hydrate!

xo ~ jb

365 Photo Project {September}

September. Do you remember? Of course I do, because I have the photos. Otherwise, I would likely forget much of it.

As September rolled around, I’ll admit I was feeling unsure about continuing this project. Lots of little things and distractions and excuses and some days where my heart just wasn’t in it. And that can be hard when you are trying to push yourself and grow creatively. But there are other days when I can’t wait to see what I get with my camera. So, life balance. But September marked that point when I thought it’s possible I should be done with the 365 round 2. But I’m still here, still chasing light, still sticking my camera in people’s faces, still seeing how I can push and learn this mirrorless camera, still documenting people living life. A handful of days where I forgot or didn’t want to shift gears from whatever I was doing or was actually bored by what I was capturing are really just those points that help push you further, rather than stopping in your tracks.

Besides, September is pretty much a favorite for us Mainers. I’m still wearing flip flops. But also a scarf. Still jumped into water when I could (and still might in October). Still making potholders with the niece, and seeing the Neph on stage. Still laughing with friends and trying to find new details in my house and trying to get more human interaction/less time in front of a screen (hard in this line of work, in this day and age). And putting in the quiet work to get me to some shifts as we head into a new year in a few months. So, September you seemed to go by in a blur, but also seemed to stand still at times. Either way, I’m always glad to see you.

9/1. Our last hoorah weekend at my pal’s camp.

9/1. Our last hoorah weekend at my pal’s camp.

9/2. Everyday things that grab my eye.

9/2. Everyday things that grab my eye.





9/5. Reminder to look up sometimes.

9/5. Reminder to look up sometimes.

9/6. Friend Birthday shenanigans in OOB.

9/6. Friend Birthday shenanigans in OOB.





9/9. Our sidewalk apple tree went crazy this year. But mostly just dropped apples to the ground.

9/9. Our sidewalk apple tree went crazy this year. But mostly just dropped apples to the ground.

9/10. Got a new book to read.

9/10. Got a new book to read.

9/11. Alison. She and I met at a photo conference a few years ago. Then her family packed up their lives and moved to Portland. So we try to get together to eat food, drink drinks, and talk about life. And sometimes laugh about the terrible hashbrow…

9/11. Alison. She and I met at a photo conference a few years ago. Then her family packed up their lives and moved to Portland. So we try to get together to eat food, drink drinks, and talk about life. And sometimes laugh about the terrible hashbrowns neither of us could manage to eat.

9/12. Paige. I used this moment to play with some B&W editing and I love some of the tones not just in her face, but around the rest of the image. Taken with the Nikon Z6 (as are many others in this post/project).

9/12. Paige. I used this moment to play with some B&W editing and I love some of the tones not just in her face, but around the rest of the image. Taken with the Nikon Z6 (as are many others in this post/project).

9/13. Potholder mayhem.

9/13. Potholder mayhem.

9/14. Met this human at an event. I could relate to many of her facial expressions.

9/14. Met this human at an event. I could relate to many of her facial expressions.

9/15. Sundays & potholders & snacks. LET’S DO THIS.

9/15. Sundays & potholders & snacks. LET’S DO THIS.







9/19. The Totally Awesome Vegan Food Truck at Portside Real Estate’s Annual Autumn Equinox | Maine Audobon | Falmouth,, they live up to their name!

9/19. The Totally Awesome Vegan Food Truck at Portside Real Estate’s Annual Autumn Equinox | Maine Audobon | Falmouth, Maine.

ps, they live up to their name!

9/20. Agents of Change Conference | Portland, Maine.

9/20. Agents of Change Conference | Portland, Maine.

9/21. Floating day!

9/21. Floating day!

9/22. Delivering Smiles (aka home made potholders) to friends. And this goodbye hug.

9/22. Delivering Smiles (aka home made potholders) to friends. And this goodbye hug.



9/24. Took the Neph to a college fair, so naturally we took a photo under this sign. But in fairness I wanted the better light.

9/24. Took the Neph to a college fair, so naturally we took a photo under this sign. But in fairness I wanted the better light.

9/25. Home.

9/25. Home.

9/26. A fractured tooth no longer lives in my mouth. So here’s a selfie of my laying around with an ice pack on my face.

9/26. A fractured tooth no longer lives in my mouth. So here’s a selfie of my laying around with an ice pack on my face.

9/27. More found things that catch my eye.

9/27. More found things that catch my eye.

9/28. About to see the Neph in Matilda | Lyric Theater | South Portland, Maine.

9/28. About to see the Neph in Matilda | Lyric Theater | South Portland, Maine.

9/29. Hula hoop dance off with the niece.

9/29. Hula hoop dance off with the niece.

9/30. Lazy time.

9/30. Lazy time.

So another month down, another shift into another season. I feel like October is going to be pretty great. And not just in front of my camera…


{Maine Lifestyle Photographer}: Celebrating Day 21 of 21

Well. Here it is. Day 21. Day 21 of a challenge to blog for 21 days. Yikes/Wow/Yipppeeee!

Celebrate the things in life. Like getting your license. Or blogging for 21 days.

Celebrate the things in life. Like getting your license. Or blogging for 21 days.

Real Talk: that wasn't easy. I’m trying to think about the pros and cons of this challenge. But it’s probably simple: Cons were 1) it was a lot of work, 2) there were so many days where I simply didn’t want to or had no idea what to blog about, and 3) for me it’s a CON when I start to feel like it’s too much MEmeMe HI look at ME. I’m a little weird about that.


But the PROS of course were I made the time, buckled in, created content, and I DID IT. Now there is actually more work out there and not just on hard drives. More stories shared. And for me, it’s worth it to get to share things that aren’t always about professional work.





I have times when what I am photographing for people is not my story to tell, not really my thing to share first.. Head Shots for professionals starting a new job or rebuilding a brand (not my story to share before they do!), Images for an organization working on their website and needing to put the imagery out to the world when they are ready (so get the images for them, and let them share when things are ready for the world to know about them), and lately some work that is sensitive because it involves humans trying to get established after many hard months of uncertainty. So many things I don’t share on the blog, but maybe can eventually when the timing is right and whatever dust needs to settle does.

Dinner with friends/ celebrating birthdays.

Dinner with friends/ celebrating birthdays.

But I liked sharing little snippets of life and small moments in photos. I’d like to think I will continue to feel free to do that. I’m also hoping that from now on when the calendar says BLOG, I will find the time to do it. If I’m smart, I’ll also be better about prepping for blog posts ahead of time. A thing that as a photographer should be part of our workflow. Being human is a funny tale in being imperfect. And I can tell you many, many tales!

Sawyer wants to show me his fort upstairs.

Sawyer wants to show me his fort upstairs.

Because in addition to sharing photo jobs, and the ongoing 365 project, there are thousands of life moments that may not get seen because they weren’t a thing for pay or they didn’t make the cut for a single photo on a certain day. But life unfolds in front of my camera on a daily basis (even if some of those days are WAAAAY less exciting than others). There is joy and laughter and uncertainty and fatigue and victory and good food and self consciousness and exploding confidence and quiet moments of thinking to capture and possibly share. It doesn’t always have to be for pay. It can be simply to document, and maybe to spread happiness and a little humanity.

Ice cream on a cold day with Molly and Kristina.

Ice cream on a cold day with Molly and Kristina.

I have a project I am currently really proud to be part of. But I can’t share until they do. I want to promise to do so when the time is right. Because capturing people who love their people and love what they do is definitely a thing we could all use more of.

After School time with the niece and my mom.

After School time with the niece and my mom.

There is a belief that people photograph what they are most afraid of losing. I photograph humanity. Even if it’s on a small scale of my family/neighborhood/community/friends/local business owners and non profit organizations. Maybe this challenge helped me see that a little clearer.

So my day 21 features a few photos that didn’t make the cut this year in the world of 365 photo project 2019, but that I want to be seen and shared. Little slices of life, that seem like not much at the time. But when seen with others, it’s a good reminder that these little human moments and exchangers are what end up being full of all the good.

And I’m up for that.

Pool buddy.

Pool buddy.

{Maine Lifestyle Photographer}: Roller Derby Practice

Do you know what kinds of people play roller derby?


All kinds.

All backgrounds. All sizes. All careers. All of it.


So, maybe it takes a certain something in your personality to get you to the point where you walk through that door and sign up to try out, but that one small thing in any of us isn’t enough to say ‘everyone who plays roller derby is ( fill in the blank )…’

Because they aren’t all one same thing. Except human.


‘Roller derby is bad ass!’ people love to say.

Yes, it is. But that doesn’t mean everyone who plays fits into your mold of what bad ass might be. Because social workers and art teachers and writers and cooks and doctors and students and engineers may be sharing the track and the bench at any given time. The loud with the quiet, the assertive with the shy, the hot mess with the super orgnanized. All of it.


Last night after my photo shoot, I met up with a friend for dinner. She had something she wanted to give me. It was a book of roller derby photos she found in Montreal. By a photographer who had also been a skater. So, that was pretty thoughtful and also a pretty perfect thing to gift me.

When I looked at it I felt like some of the photos could have easily been taken of my league, at one of our practice spaces. I looked for my friends in some of the images. It’s possible that thoughtful gift may have influenced this post which I didn’t really think about until I got to the very end of this quick post.

Fun how art and life keep influencing each other….

{Maine Family Photographer}: Evie's Birthday Fun

Hello Saturday! Here we are, 16 of 21 days of blogging…. with these fun friends celebrating a birthday together at the beach.


Sometimes as humans we don’t do everything with the intention we originally set out with. Sometimes life happens. Sometimes things take longer than you planned. Sometimes a restaurant you love announces it’s going to close and your friends want to go while we still can, so the task that kept getting put off throughout the day ends up being pushed aside. Because honestly, time with the people who matter is often worth more than a blog post. So, ooooops I missed yesterday! But also… totally worth it!

Which brings us to yesterday’s post that is now today’s. These Friends. This time in their lives celebrating a birthday, laughing, playing, and being together before things in their lives shift. Before different schools and different activities set them off into opposite directions. Glad Evie’s mom had the foresight to realize this is a time and an event that needs to be photographed. For them.

The snapshots of friendship, of a warm evening together, of a slice of time in their lives. This was a photo shoot that hit all the points for me. Snapshots of friends, then just document as they hang out, laugh, be silly, and go to an arcade. Freedom to capture what was happening as it unfolded. No emphasis on trying to make the kids look perfect, but instead just capturing who they are now.

Yes please!

Sisters xo.

Sisters xo.

Photos with friends but of course a few with Mom as well.

Photos with friends but of course a few with Mom as well.


Sometimes after posing for a photo you just need to dance it out. Makes sense - there is a birthday to celebrate and there is still an arcade to get to and prizes to win and eventually cake to eat. I know it’s hard to contain all that excitement!

Sometimes a group photo turns into a mini mosh pit. I’m ok with that. :)

Sometimes a group photo turns into a mini mosh pit. I’m ok with that. :)


Thank you, Evie and friends for being so fun to follow around with my camera!

The next/ really the previous post contains the images from our time in the arcade. This was one heck of a birthday! Glad I got to be there with my cameras to document it.

{Maine Lifestyle Photographer}: Another slice of Life

It’s 10:39pm on day 14 of 21 days of blogging. It rained a lot today, and today’s photo shoot needed to be rescheduled. The Niece came over and played games and laughed with the broken hubs. The Neph and I went out tonight (somewhat spontaneously) for tacos. So, it was perhaps a slightly imperfect but very good day. I’m tired and ready for bed, and this photo grabbed me as a photo to use for today’s blog post.


The niece has this hooded blanket thing that says Princess across the top and the back. She throws it on her when she comes home and is done with her day. I so feel that right now.

If they made this in my size I would likely have one as well, and throw it on after a productive day. But maybe with a different word across it.

And with that I need to be done with the day and head off to get ready for whatever tomorrow is going to bring….