From The Archives:: Kate, Writer & Film Maker

Kate. Kate & Betsy. I used Kate’s words but had to use this photo of the two of them, from a spontaneous run-in one day as I was leaving a shoot, saw them in their driveway and jumped out with my camera and possibly startled them both, but then we laughed and caught up and I took this photo of them. I love it. I love moments like that. Even if I do scare people by yelling out my window at them.

Before the Covid came to town we have worked on several collaborative projects of theirs, shared many stories, ideas, and eats in their kitchen, and were starting a winter game night when suddenly we weren’t going into each other’s homes anymore. Someday we’ll get back to sharing those moments. But today I’ll share Kate’s story and a photo I took on a random cold day…..


Kate Kaminski, Writer/Filmmaker (About to be Former Adjunct Professor)

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?

I really miss being in a classroom with my students. I’m teaching my final semester of college film studies this month, so I’m a little sad I won’t get to have that “last class” and be able to give these past 20 years of my working life a proper farewell. (I guess I’ll have to find another way!)

2. What has been most challenging?

Worry and stress, compounded by a fairly significant life change. This is one scary virus and I definitely don’t want to risk getting it so going out is fraught.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?

I’m finding a lot of inspiration working in my garden. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have had this much time to dig in the dirt, move plants and tidy up. I wish you could come over and hang out in it with me because it's looking really good:)

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

I’d like to think that we will all be more aware of the huge contributions of service workers (of all types) to our overall, collective quality of life and learn how to be kinder and more appreciative of each other. I won’t miss having to shake hands, so that can go away forever. But mostly, I truly hope this terrible event helps us move toward a more equitable society for all people, especially the most disadvantaged among us.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?

I look forward to being able to hang out with friends again. I keenly miss my friends.


Let’s also give it up for Kate who just finished up 20 years of teaching. In the middle of a pandemic. What a strange way to end a huge life chapter (or entire book)…

Thanks Kate! I too look forward to hanging with my friends. Very Much xoxo

{Community} PortFringe 2019: Behind the Scenes

Fringe 2019. The Future is coming!


Are you familiar with a thing called Fringe? It’s a nation wide, few days long, public theater (but also NOT Theater) event and Portland’s version is called PortFringe. I am not a person who is comfortable on stage/in the spotlight, but I have been part of a few fringes (Thank you, Gentlemen’s Panel of Rock) as the photographer. This year I have been doing the photos for an upcoming production called Seance on a Tuesday Afternoon.

I love projects like this! One, because I love photographing people. And two, because I love capturing behind the scenes work. And that’s what Fringe is. A whole bunch of people working behind the scenes for weeks to get ready to bring their story to life for an audience.

Having worked with many of this crew before, I know they will deliver and you will not want to miss this!

Here a few photos I took during their recent rehearsal. If you look at these and think “what is going on here?!?” then you should go see one of their shows so you can find out. If you look at these and think these images are funny/interesting then you should also go see what happens. Either way, you clearly should get yourself to Fringe this year and see what all the hard work has created.


So, PortFringe kicks off this week and I urge you to get to as many shows as you can. You will be entertained, get out and see what the creative community is up to, AND the money from ticket sales is funneled back to the artists.

Go here for more about PortFringe.

Head on over to the SoaTA Facbook event page which will lead you to more awesomeness, info, and photos by me scattered throughout their social media.

Hope to see you at one of the shows!