From The Archives:: Tricia, Photographer and Roller Derby Player

Slammin’, aka Tricia who I knew first in our photog circles, and then in our roller derby lives. A person of many talents, lover of dogs, and cracker of jokes. And another person I know who has had a fair amount of life changes as result of the Covid.

No work? No derby? Time to get back to the artist you are! What she’s been creating during this time has been some beautiful coasters and plant holders. It’s been one of my highlights when I sign into social media to see one of her videos showing her creative process. Art and creativity has definitely been what I have turned to during all of this, and I know I am not alone in that. Combine that with her past as a social worker, and she has a lot to share about getting through times like this.

Like everyone in this project, Tricia shared these words with me weeks before the protests. But her words remain relevant whether we are in a pandemic, a fight for civil rights, and any other uncertainty that comes along with big life shifts.

Slammin T Jammin at Maine Roller Derby Practice at the Portland Expo, sitting on the sidelines due to some shoulder pain.

Slammin T Jammin at Maine Roller Derby Practice at the Portland Expo, sitting on the sidelines due to some shoulder pain.

Name:  Tricia Jamiol

Occupation/Business: Formerly an operations manager at a small local business, but have since been laid off due to COVID.  And owner of Tricia Jamiol Photography.

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? Covid19 has changed everything in my life. I was originally told to work from home back in mid March, prior to the city of Portland issuing their shelter in place order.  I was then furloughed once the order went through, and a few days after that, completely laid off.  I went from a very predictable 60+ hours where I'd be out of the house working or playing roller derby each week to suddenly having a vast amount of time that I somehow needed to fill. 

It has also completely changed how I do life outside of my home. Masks are now a requirement, as far as I'm concerned, and my fiancée and I try to venture out once every two weeks to go food shopping and get any essentials we need from places like CVS or the pet store.  I hated food shopping before this pandemic, so I really hate going now.  Paying attention to all the rules, making sure I distance myself from other people, some of which who don't seem as concerned as I do about it, and wiping everything down when we get home is mentally exhausting.  I am a former social worker and 100% realize that all of us are living through a prolonged traumatic experience. That repeated exposure, for me, means that I typically have a couple of days where I can't do much and it's taken me a while to realize that 1) I don't need to be productive to the standards we had prior to Covid19 and 2) having those breaks and space to process, cope, grieve, is absolutely necessary. 

The other thing it's changed for me is my ability to play roller derby. Derby has been a constant in my life for the past three years.  Every week I knew where I would be on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays for hours at a time. I would look forward to our Saturday bouts on an almost monthly basis and even the Sunday morning hangover bouts where my body was absolutely exhausted from playing the night before but there was no place else in the world I'd rather be.  I sometimes spent 12 hours a week doing derby related things. Covid ripped all of that away from me seemingly without warning.  As I'm writing about all of these changes, writing about missing roller derby is bringing tears to my eyes.  I miss my friends, I miss my ability to exercise, I miss being able to go to the gym twice a week for cross training.  I miss the body that I had from all of those workouts that so quickly slipped away once everything shut down. I miss the feeling of skating fast and hitting my friends at full speed while jamming.  I even miss waking up the next morning feeling like I got hit by a mack truck.  We've had a few Zoom meetings, which is nice because we can see each other, but missing roller derby hurts.  It also hurts knowing that even as states begin to open up, we won't be able to play such a contact-intensive sport for a very, very long time. 

2. What has been most challenging? See above re: derby.  Whenever I am grieving the loss of normalcy, 99.9% of the time it's because I'm missing derby.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Going from having no free time due to my job, roller derby, and my photography business, to ending up with what seems like an endless amount of free time, has given me a silver lining during this whole situation.  I've been able to throw myself back into my art.  Art, prior to derby, was how I processed things, how I de-stressed, and how I connected with myself on a deeper level. Sometime within the past year I stumbled upon epoxy and resin art on Instagram.  I had been wanting to try it for a while but I didn't feel like I had the time to do so.  I also had absolutely no idea where to start or what I needed to buy for it, so even researching it seemed unobtainable because of my busy schedule.  As soon as I was able to work from home I decided to buy the necessary supplies and give making coasters a shot.  Due to not having any patience, I completely botched my first set, as they never cured and were sticky and horrible-looking. It took another try with a bit more patience to get a new set to cure properly, and from there I've just been experimenting with different pigments and techniques and I'm having a blast with it.  The coasters have been super popular and I'm starting to branch out into different types of coasters (haha, this just cracks me up for some reason) as well as experimenting with alcohol inks, which is another type of fluid art.  You can make coasters out of alcohol ink, too!  I HAVE SO MANY COASTERS!  

Covid19 has given me the gift of being able to find a medium that would potentially allow me to create art for a living, which is something I've always wanted to do.  I am absolutely horrified by what it is doing to the world, but also, somehow, grateful for it.  It is a weird juxtaposition that I have some serious cognitive dissonance with, but I'm working on accepting the fact that sometimes, bad things happen and good things are able to bloom because of it. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

Going forward, when things return to "normal" I truly hope that I'm able to grow my art making in a way that allows me to do it for a living.  I've always wanting to work from home and have always wanting to be able to support myself through my art.  My photography business was a small way that I was able to tap into some of that, but because I focus on weddings, I never felt that I could fully devote myself to doing it full time. 

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?

Hitting my friends!! When we finally have the ability to practice again with contact, I will literally be the happiest person in the whole world.  I cannot wait for roller derby to start up again.  With the news of Happy Wheels likely being able to open back up this fall, I am stoked. 

6. Anything else you want to share..?

I hope, after all is said and done, that we as a human race wake up. With the way things are currently, it makes me anxious to read up on the news. There's so much hate and greed that I can't really comprehend any of it.  I feel that this virus has brought humans to our knees, and in doing so, we were given a gift of a healing planet and the ability to see our impact on it, as well as each other. I hope, after all is said and done that humans can learn to be more kind. More kind to each other, to other living things and to our planet. 

Also, and I think this is super important: that people be kind to themselves in times like these.  I was a facilitator at the Center for Grieving Children for 14 years.  I helped run bereavement groups and during my time there I facilitated every children's group between the ages of 3 and 18 years old.  I've learned that with death, we need to grieve in order to come out the other side of it. Connecting with others who are sharing similar losses, talking about struggles, life, and accomplishments, and hearing others' stories is incredibly important when it comes to healing one's heart.  Obviously, we are losing so many people to this virus.  Being in Maine, I feel we are lucky in that our number of causalities and infections is relatively low compares to other places in the country, but with that said, we are still going through something incredibly hard.  You may not have directly lost someone, but you have definitely lost a sense of safety, normalcy, or predictability.  Those losses are huge and each of us has the right to grieve the loss of those things that are important to us.  I haven't seen my parents, sister and her family since early January.  I miss them terribly.  Thankfully, we have FaceTime, which is huge, but it doesn't replace the ability see, touch, and be with those people. Some days I am a grumpy asshole, other days I'm bawling at commercials on TV, some days I take naps for 3 hours because that's all I can handle that day.  I think it is important for others to know that this is okay.  That it's okay to take a break from life, whether that's cleaning up the house, or doing whatever chore you set out to do that day.  If you don't have the ability to take that break, then reach out to someone you trust and chat with them.  Share your feelings. They're probably feeling the same!  We are all in this together, and if there's one thing I've learned from the Center it's that those with shared experiences tend to feel more at ease knowing that someone else walking the same path they are.  Obviously, we don't wish bad things to happen to others so they can walk on a crappy path with us, but if life throws you a curve ball that you need to deal with, it's nice to have company or a listening ear.


Thanks Slammin’! Thanks for sharing so much whether it’s your words or your creativity. Looking forward to 1. Skating with you and 2. taking a coaster making class with you. Because, YES, I was and still am serious about that!

From The Archives:: Jess/Meow of Maine Roller Derby

Meow is what we call her in the derby world, but in her professional world she is Jessica (Jess? I don’t even know because although I do find myself in pieces of the real estate world, our paths don’t cross in that arena. Only in roller derby). Meow is an amazing derby player and also a great team mate. So, I reached out to her for my project.

This photo of her was taken at the former Happy Wheels (RIP). Hopefully one day we will get back to gathering in closed spaces with skates on, or to cheer on our friends in skates. But until then, I will continue to share a few more stories of these cool people I know who are trying to find their way in this new normal that keeps shifting….

Meow’n Em Down getting ready to do what she does during a closed Maine Roller Derby Scrimmage at Happy Wheels a few winters ago…

Meow’n Em Down getting ready to do what she does during a closed Maine Roller Derby Scrimmage at Happy Wheels a few winters ago…

Name:  Jessica Locke/ Meow

Occupation: Real Estate Appraiser

“ A lot has been challenging since COVID-19, but, probably the hardest part has been finding motivation.  Typically, I'm highly self-motivated, complete daily checklists, etc but I find myself excusing more breaks (Netflix) from whatever I am suppose to be accomplishing.  It's difficult to readjust my focus on what a "productive day" might look like now that I'm utilizing different systems/resources than before. 

A silver lining to this situation is the amount of quality time with my husband, Josh.  Honestly, at the beginning of shelter-in-place I thought we would end up fighting more but we really haven't. With nothing but time to share full and complete thoughts our ability to actually understand each other seems to have grown. Hopefully I didn't just jinx the whole situation. 

I most look forward to being able to travel again. Particularly,  we've had to push back going to see family in New York several times.  It's emotionally taxing not to know when trips like that will be able to happen.”


Thanks Meowmeow! Looking forward to seeing you in real time again and hoping that also involves roller skates ❤️

From The Archives:: Melissa, Art Teacher

Frida/Melissa is one of my roller derby pals. As an art teacher and a person I love photographing, I knew I wanted to ask her to be part of this project. I had no photo in mind when I reached out to her WEEKS ago, so she got back to me real quick before I was ready for a post. I found this image that I have love but had my own hesitations in using. Things I notice that make me think ‘oh maybe not for instagram.’ But this project has not only allowed me to hear from people during all the Covid concerns but also got me to loosen up about some of the images I wasn’t super sure about sharing.

So, yes she shared this with me several weeks ago and some things have shifted and school has ended for the year as of this week, it is still relevant and an important part of this project to hear her perspective. Especially since she is currently in quarantine in order to have surgery in the coming days….

Frida Rockit coaching the Maine Roller Deber RIP Tides at Happy Wheels in Portland, Maine.

Frida Rockit coaching the Maine Roller Deber RIP Tides at Happy Wheels in Portland, Maine.

Name: Melissa Prescott (aka Frida Rockit)

Occupation/Business:  Middle School Visual Art Teacher

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?
 I work as a middle school visual art teacher - and my birthday, March 13, was likely the last day I'll teach kids in person this school year. Like all teachers, I'm working hard and doing my best to teach my students remotely.

2. What has been most challenging?
Not being able to teach in person is very challenging, as is not being able to visit with friends and loved ones - but video calls are helping. However, I think the most challenging part for me is the anxiety that comes with knowing that my loved ones who are immunocompromised are likely to have serious health complications if they catch the virus. Thinking that they could be in a hospital, in a life-threatening situation, and I wouldn’t be able to see them is terrifying.   It’s also infuriating to know that people are now more at-risk and will have to continue sheltering in place EVEN LONGER because some people refuse to follow basic CDC safety rules. It’s a disgrace that local law-enforcement agencies, who are are already overwhelmed with domestic violence calls, now have to divert precious resources to answer calls about businesses that are putting people’s lives at risk for profit and politics.  It’s also a disgrace that businesses and employees that have lost their income due to following the rules to keep people safe are still not getting the income support that was promised by our government. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?
Even though remote learning is challenging, I've been able to connect with and support my students online, and that helps me feel like I’m making a difference. A local arts organization (BAAM - Bethel Area Arts and Music) donated money so we could get free art supplies out to our kids, and it was awesome to share this news with them and see how much this brightened their day. The positive feedback that I’m seeing from students and parents about the work that teachers are doing is uplifting.  It’s also encouraging to see how many people are finally realizing that schools do so much more than teach content. 

Another silver lining is the connections I've been able to have with friends on Zoom. While it’s not the same as seeing each other in person, I’ve been able to talk frequently with many people that I didn’t normally see or talk to very often before the pandemic. It’s so easy to get caught up in the routine of daily life, but in the absence of that, it's very comforting to feel the support of my friends and loved ones from afar.  I'm even more grateful now for the friendships that I've developed and maintained with many people over the years - they have helped keep me afloat when I feel like I might be drowning.

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?
I hope everybody remembers how important healthy relationships with people really are, and how critical they are for supporting us when we’re going through hard times. I hope everybody has a better understanding of how critical it is to have social safety nets in place in our country, because anybody can fall on hard times through no fault of their own.  I hope that people have a better understanding of the deadly consequences of science denial, and are more likely to listen to the warnings of doctors and scientists. I also hope that people support their local public schools and teachers with even more energy than before. This is a long road, and we’re not out of the woods yet.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?
What I’m most looking forward to is being able to see my loved ones face-to-face when it's finally safe for them to stop sheltering in place.

6. Anything else you want to share..?
I also really miss my Maine Roller Derby family, and the supportive routines that I had as part of the MRD organization. I hope that we can find a new normal soon, and return to play when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we’re supporting each other the best we can through the magic of the interwebs, and the foundation of trust and respect that that comes with true roller derby love. 
I also know that I’m very privileged to still have my health, a job with income and health coverage, supportive friends and family, and a safe place to live - I wish the for the same for everyone, and I'll continue to do my part to have a positive impact on my community.

Frida after a roller derby bout at the Portland Expo.

Frida after a roller derby bout at the Portland Expo.

Thank you, Frida/Melissa for sharing your story and for always being so fun, passionate, and enthusiastic about everything. I miss laughing with you over silly stuff while stretching at the end of derby practice. Now heal up and stay healthy!


From The Archives:: Max

My Nephew and his friends are pretty great humans. And if i’m being honest I miss going to events and seeing them either on stage or at parades or getting an award for being good at things. And of course, my archives are FILLED with photos of him, but I picked this one for this project because it seemed like during this time hearing from a teenage voice was also important. These months of covid craziness and lack of structure have been challenging, but it seems no matter your age there are things that people are suddenly getting to do where they wouldn't have had the time before. Like enjoying nature despite being an indoors person most of your life. Or getting to a Black Lives Matter protest with friends.

The activism I see in Max, his friends, and my friend’s children inspires me. It gives me hope. And that is something we need, especially lately.

The night they were all inducted into the National Honor Society.

The night they were all inducted into the National Honor Society.

Max || High School Student.

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? Prior to COVID, a lot of my life revolves around school, and now it seems like such a small piece of it, maybe because I’m spending significantly less time doing work or even thinking about school. I’ve also been able to get back into nature, which, with my busy schedule, is something I’ve never gotten to do before.

2. What has been most challenging? I’m such an extroverted person and I’m really used to seeing people all the time and being in constant contact with my friends. This disconnect has been hard, but I’ve found other ways to communicate with them.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Like I said earlier, I’ve been able to reconnect with nature over the past few months. I’ve gone on dozens of nature walks, with friends and family. I’ve been finding time to do things that I wouldn’t normally be able to do, and I’ve actually been enjoying it.

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? The only thing that I really enjoy is that there are limits of how many people can go into stores. Going into stores is so much less stressful when there’s less people. I also like how food services are using free delivery lol

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? I want to have a sleepover with my friends, and go out to eat, and just go on spontaneous adventures again.

6. Anything else you want to share..? I guess the only thing that I’d want to share is that a lot of people don’t know what the Trump Administration is doing to our health care system right now. They just repealed Obama Administration protections on trans people that banned doctors from denying care to trans patients, in the middle of a pandemic, and I think a lot more people should know about it.


Well Summer is here! As of tomorrow Max will officially be a Senior. Here’s hoping to slightly less interrupted year for the class of 2021! ❤️❤️

From The Archives:: Dava of Portside Real Estate

Dava found me years ago as she was starting a new real estate business known as Portside Real Estate. Since then her company has gown and grown and expanded to have several locations in different zip codes. I have been doing the head shots for her company since they started, and it’s been pretty great to watch from a distance how much her company has grown and her life has shifted. She also remains one of my most decisive family photo clients. Nobody picks their final images as quickly as Dava does!

Whenever I see her, she has a smile and a hug for me, and I think it’s safe to say we are always glad to see each other. I can’t imagine how tough things were when this all started and gears needed to shift, knowing how many people’s livelihoods were relying on her. I know for many the tough part was the uncertainty and not knowing how long things would be shut down (and that is still the hard part even though things have started to shift), but I think for some too much time spent in that worry is not an option. Dig in and find a way. And maybe be grateful for some of the shifts that start to happen. Shifts like more time with your kids and at home. More time to listen and think and come up with solutions. Something a lot of smart, hard working people I know have managed to do. Dava is one of those people.

Dava and her boys in front of the Portland Museum of Art.

Dava and her boys in front of the Portland Museum of Art.

Name: Dava Davin

Occupation/Business: Portside Real Estate Group, Founder + CEO

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? I unequivocally know that I would not want to be quarantined with anyone else but my handsome, kind-hearted husband, my two smart and funny boys, and the cutest pup in Maine. 

2. What has been most challenging? Figuring out how to make this time the best it can be for the 100ish Portsiders. Sleepless nights of trying to solve the puzzle when the pieces keep getting sucked up by the vacuum. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Oh yes, I have been strangely inspired by all of this to be a better leader, to serve more people, and to do my part to be helpful. We don't know what we are capable of until we are knocked down. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? The less full schedule, having dinner every single night with the ones I love the most. 

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? Hands down, seeing my mom and dad, those two beautiful humans that taught me to follow my dream and take risks, to work hard, and see the beauty around me. 



So, thank you Dava for years of photos and for sharing a piece of your story with me for this project! Looking forward to the days when Portsiders are gathering and raising money for another great local organization… whenever that can happen again!

From The Archives:: Victoria, State Legislator

I fell behind in my blog posts for this project and in that time our country has shifted and the news cycle is no longer leading off with corona virus related information. I have been trying to absorb, listen, understand, and think about what work I need to do. So, as I post these blog posts in an effort to catch up and share people’s stories during this time, I have my head and heart on those articles I still need to read and the book I just got about race in America. I am trying to learn that balance of finishing the work in front of me and working on growing and being better.

So, remembering this day with Victoria and her family helps. We took these photos for her campaign. We were in the process of scheduling her next round of campaign photos when our lives shifted and our town issued stay at home orders. So, like all my sessions that were in the calendar this Spring, this one got postponed until the time allows.

I’m looking forward to seeing them all in real time again, but also trying to be patient so we do that when the time is right and we can all be around each other safely and comfortably. For now, and as I catch up on this From The Archives project, enjoy Victoria’s story she so generously shared with me several weeks ago. A lot has changed and shifted since then, but her words still feel very fitting for now as well…

This family ❤️

This family ❤️

Victoria Morales.

State Legislator.

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? My dad had a stroke during the pandemic.  Not being able to visit the hospital, worried he was scared, confused and alone, and not knowing how he was was until we got him home was terrifying. 

2. What has been most challenging?  So many things Taking care of my dad after his stroke, supporting my children through online learning, working from home in a small house with everyone home, helping my constituents navigate unemployment issues and many concerns and fears related to Covid-19. The two most important things that have been last on my priority list and shouldn’t be are spending quality time with my partner and with myself.  Deep self care during this time is absolutely necessary to strengthen our foundation of resilience. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?  My children are bonding in new ways, everything seems to be in the blooming process, the garden is growing, and the birds are singing in harmony.  And, as a policy maker, it is becoming very clear that people have to come first, particularly when it comes to essential foundational needs such as safe affordable housing, food, quality education, and health care. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? Less car travel. 

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? Go outdoors on hikes and to the beach with friends and family

6. Anything else you want to share..?  I have been thinking about grief a lot lately, about the loss of our lives as they were, both generally and through specific tragedies, and I keep coming back to the word transformation, and the idea that through this crisis we will be presented with many opportunities to create and accept change for the better. 

Thank you Victoria for always encouraging people to want and work for better! I’m ready!

From The Archives:: Kelley of Wildflours Bakery

Kelley and I met years ago when I was newly gluten-free and trying to find yummy treats and I found myself in her bakery/shop. Then we became roller derby team mates. In times of chaos she is the one you want by your side or in your corner. And I think she has proven that during these ever-changing times brought to us by Covid19. She and her staff have adapted over and over to make sure they keep going and keep their customers safe.

This time has definitely showed us who can and will dig in and find ways to keep going. I admire Kelley for that. That small business owner New England style grit, coupled with a smile and a at times a sparkle in the eye. Which is why I needed to share this photo of her after being sent to the penalty box during a roller derby bout. It fits the times, whether we are dealing with a pandemic or not. Plus, it’s perfectly her.


Kelley Hughes

Owner, Wildflours Gluten-Free Bakery

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? Both my husband and I are essential workers. So- juggling work, parenting and homeschooling has been a learning experience, for sure.

2. What has been most challenging? Trying to stay in the here and now. Thinking about the future and all of the “what-ifs”is a slippery slope.

I mean, there is a certain amount of business and life planning I can attempt, but I feel like for right now, I’m better served by a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other approach. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Lydia, my 10-year old works with me a few early mornings a week. She’s been really helpful (she’s an expert donut glazer now) and it’s been fun to witness her pride in her work. It’s also created a new and sweet sort of bond between us. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? I actually appreciate the slower pace, I hope we can hang on to a bit of that.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? Traveling to friends who live “away”. 

If you are looking for a gluten-free bakery, be sure to check out Wildflours on your next time through Brunswick, Maine! Or drive out of your way like some of us do because we need a tasty treat or a honey corn muffin…

From The Archives:: Meg From Portside Real Estate

Meg shows up in front of my camera ready to rock every time. Whether it’s for her head shot update or at an event I may be shooting. So, yes my camera loves her and her enthusiasm and bursting confidence.

I actually wish more people could have that confidence. Imagine how much nicer we would be to ourselves if we didn’t spend all our time telling ourselves bad or untrue things. So, if I could I would bottle up her confidence and energy, because I think a lot of us could use a dose of what she’s got!

Meg’s words as she navigated Covid19 are below (posted weeks after she sent them to me! Which is not how I planned to do this project, but I’m just going to channel my inner Meg and believe that this is all fine. Haha, it’s not, but we can pretend….)


Name: Meg Smith

Occutpation: Broker, Portside Real Estate

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?  Lack of structure!! I am an organized person that needs routine, so creating a new one to still be productive is a bit of a challenge.

2. What has been most challenging?  Again, I will go back to that lack of structure.  Not "having" to be anywhere.  Very easy to slip into staying in my robe drinking coffee all day.  I live alone, so nothing that is pressing to be done.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?  I have dusted off my sewing machine, and certainly had (have) a good project list at my house that is getting completed.  Also, just may get my taxes done on time this year!

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?  Walking my 89 year old neighbors dog for sure.  As well as facetiming with friends on the West Coast and family in NY.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?  OMG- so much!!  The hustle and bustle of daily life, work, GYMS, going out to eat.  Most of all, hugs from my Sister and my Mom.

6. Anything else you want to share. ....Never realized how much of a homebody I am, I think I just may be the ultimate extroverted introvert, lol!!

Thanks for sharing and laughing with me, Meg! Looking forward to our next photo session and whenever events can happen again….

From The Archives:: Rachel

Next up in the From the Archives project is Rachel. I photographed their wedding and have done a few shoots for her and her husband, Chris, for their entrepreneurial endeavors. Lucky us, we got their recent round of photos done this winter, before our lives shifted so drastically. We slid down ice trails in the woods by their house, and laughed and captured various bits of each of their personalities for various marketing needs. This image remains one of my favorites from that day.


Name: Rachel Horton White

Occupation/Company: Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Founder/Owner

What has changed for you since this all began? At the beginning, the only thing was switching to virtual client sessions and my children being at home for me to homeschool, along with my mother's help. However, since then, my grandfather got the virus, and we decided to move to a new house, which we are currently hunting for. 

What has been the hardest part? The past 2 weeks have been some of the hardest in my life. The hardest parts are conflicts with a few family members and my sadness at the vast amount of disinformation and fear being spread and absorbed. The stress of worrying about my grandfather's health and now looking to move has been quite overwhelming. 

And what, if anything, has surfaced as a bit of a silver lining during this time for you? My children are enjoying exploring in nature and doing hands-on projects. We have had nice connections with some neighbors and seen more people out in the streets and families together than ever. My business and the work I do with spiritual seekers and clients who I feel a deep connection with has brought me great joy. I have been blessed to have people seeking out intuitive readings with me from around the world

Are there any shifts you are hoping stay in place as we move forward?  I like the simplicity of cooking at home and finding family activities to do here. Our society was consumerism in overdrive and it imploded. I realize now that we really don't need to go out to eat or to entertainment to enjoy ourselves.

What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? I am looking forward to going back out into the world and seeing people in person as opposed to just on the computer. I can't wait to hang out with friends again and have cookouts and potlucks! 

Thank you, Rachel, for trusting me to capture you and for sharing a bit of your story during this time!

From The Archives: Maureen of Locations Real Estate

Through my time photographing realtors and families, I have been lucky enough to work with Moe a handful of times. She always says things that get me laughing, and is a (somewhat) willing model in times of needing to figure out where the best light is. She also has a gift for being honest and saying what she means. Something I very much appreciate. If she doesn’t like a photo of her or one of her colleagues, I know to keep trying!

So, this winter we were working on getting a location and photographing 25 people at her company. We were able to use The Press Hotel in Portland, spread the shoots out over a few mornings, and then practically as we were taking the last few photos things started to shift quickly and Covid was here and regular life of being in groups inside restaurants and galleries and various other small rooms with nice light was over. I feel very fortunate that we were able to get this job done in the time we did. Minor delays turned out to be almost perfect timing. We rushed around and then all of a sudden we felt like we were standing around. But we weren’t really just standing around because we’re small business owners! We were just forced into a phase of uncertainty, perhaps.

So, thank you Moe for always being a fun photo subject. Thank you Locations Real Estate for trusting me with the task of bringing your 2020 website up to your company’s standards. And THANK YOU, Press Hotel for letting us use your beautiful space!

Below are Moe’s words about her experience(s) navigating our new current normal….


Name: Maureen Zemrak (Moe)
Occupation/Business: Owner and Broker, Locations Real Estate Group

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?

With my profession I am always on the move and in my car, traveling from place to place. Conducting work and life all in the same place has been a very big change, especially how to separate the two under one roof.

2. What has been most challenging?

Staying home was hard for me at first. Being home feels like you have more hats to wear and tasks throughout the day, which made keeping a daily schedule hard to adhere to at the beginning. In addition to the usual professional responsibilities I have as a real estate broker and company owner, I am now an elementary school teacher for my three children, full-time chef, dishwasher (so many dishes!), and event planner. For my family, a large challenge has been getting our kids to understand why we cannot go to the fun birthday parties, or to the movies. We can't spend time with friends and family, and that we have to talk to them and see them in different ways right now.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?

Family time. We're spending our time together differently and making really fun memories - creating time capsules, having pedicure nights, game nights, movie nights, face painting, crafts, long days of playing outside - taking our time and not being rushed to get anywhere! Crossing a few long-time house projects off the list has been amazing too. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

I have really been impressed with the creativity of our local businesses. I hope that a lot of these new approaches to business stay and continue to flourish, as they are proving to be incredibly popular and supported by fellow Mainers. Opening up so many cool new doors for possibilities!

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? 

My children being able to socialize and play with others. I miss going out to eat, grabbing a coffee out, booking social events, and meeting up with friends and family. 

6. Anything else you want to share..?

I hope that everyone out there is feeling safe. While this has been an emotional, mental and financial time of stress, there has also been an abundance of incredibly thoughtful and generous acts by those in our communities and neighborhoods - I hope folks keep smiling and staying strong. Slow and steady wins the race.