Dava found me years ago as she was starting a new real estate business known as Portside Real Estate. Since then her company has gown and grown and expanded to have several locations in different zip codes. I have been doing the head shots for her company since they started, and it’s been pretty great to watch from a distance how much her company has grown and her life has shifted. She also remains one of my most decisive family photo clients. Nobody picks their final images as quickly as Dava does!
Whenever I see her, she has a smile and a hug for me, and I think it’s safe to say we are always glad to see each other. I can’t imagine how tough things were when this all started and gears needed to shift, knowing how many people’s livelihoods were relying on her. I know for many the tough part was the uncertainty and not knowing how long things would be shut down (and that is still the hard part even though things have started to shift), but I think for some too much time spent in that worry is not an option. Dig in and find a way. And maybe be grateful for some of the shifts that start to happen. Shifts like more time with your kids and at home. More time to listen and think and come up with solutions. Something a lot of smart, hard working people I know have managed to do. Dava is one of those people.
Dava and her boys in front of the Portland Museum of Art.
Name: Dava Davin
Occupation/Business: Portside Real Estate Group, Founder + CEO
1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? I unequivocally know that I would not want to be quarantined with anyone else but my handsome, kind-hearted husband, my two smart and funny boys, and the cutest pup in Maine.
2. What has been most challenging? Figuring out how to make this time the best it can be for the 100ish Portsiders. Sleepless nights of trying to solve the puzzle when the pieces keep getting sucked up by the vacuum.
3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Oh yes, I have been strangely inspired by all of this to be a better leader, to serve more people, and to do my part to be helpful. We don't know what we are capable of until we are knocked down.
4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? The less full schedule, having dinner every single night with the ones I love the most.
5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? Hands down, seeing my mom and dad, those two beautiful humans that taught me to follow my dream and take risks, to work hard, and see the beauty around me.
So, thank you Dava for years of photos and for sharing a piece of your story with me for this project! Looking forward to the days when Portsiders are gathering and raising money for another great local organization… whenever that can happen again!