From The Archives: Maureen of Locations Real Estate

Through my time photographing realtors and families, I have been lucky enough to work with Moe a handful of times. She always says things that get me laughing, and is a (somewhat) willing model in times of needing to figure out where the best light is. She also has a gift for being honest and saying what she means. Something I very much appreciate. If she doesn’t like a photo of her or one of her colleagues, I know to keep trying!

So, this winter we were working on getting a location and photographing 25 people at her company. We were able to use The Press Hotel in Portland, spread the shoots out over a few mornings, and then practically as we were taking the last few photos things started to shift quickly and Covid was here and regular life of being in groups inside restaurants and galleries and various other small rooms with nice light was over. I feel very fortunate that we were able to get this job done in the time we did. Minor delays turned out to be almost perfect timing. We rushed around and then all of a sudden we felt like we were standing around. But we weren’t really just standing around because we’re small business owners! We were just forced into a phase of uncertainty, perhaps.

So, thank you Moe for always being a fun photo subject. Thank you Locations Real Estate for trusting me with the task of bringing your 2020 website up to your company’s standards. And THANK YOU, Press Hotel for letting us use your beautiful space!

Below are Moe’s words about her experience(s) navigating our new current normal….


Name: Maureen Zemrak (Moe)
Occupation/Business: Owner and Broker, Locations Real Estate Group

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?

With my profession I am always on the move and in my car, traveling from place to place. Conducting work and life all in the same place has been a very big change, especially how to separate the two under one roof.

2. What has been most challenging?

Staying home was hard for me at first. Being home feels like you have more hats to wear and tasks throughout the day, which made keeping a daily schedule hard to adhere to at the beginning. In addition to the usual professional responsibilities I have as a real estate broker and company owner, I am now an elementary school teacher for my three children, full-time chef, dishwasher (so many dishes!), and event planner. For my family, a large challenge has been getting our kids to understand why we cannot go to the fun birthday parties, or to the movies. We can't spend time with friends and family, and that we have to talk to them and see them in different ways right now.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?

Family time. We're spending our time together differently and making really fun memories - creating time capsules, having pedicure nights, game nights, movie nights, face painting, crafts, long days of playing outside - taking our time and not being rushed to get anywhere! Crossing a few long-time house projects off the list has been amazing too. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

I have really been impressed with the creativity of our local businesses. I hope that a lot of these new approaches to business stay and continue to flourish, as they are proving to be incredibly popular and supported by fellow Mainers. Opening up so many cool new doors for possibilities!

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? 

My children being able to socialize and play with others. I miss going out to eat, grabbing a coffee out, booking social events, and meeting up with friends and family. 

6. Anything else you want to share..?

I hope that everyone out there is feeling safe. While this has been an emotional, mental and financial time of stress, there has also been an abundance of incredibly thoughtful and generous acts by those in our communities and neighborhoods - I hope folks keep smiling and staying strong. Slow and steady wins the race. 

From The Archives:: Edie From Locations Real Estate

Edie Fontaine is the co-owner of Locations Real Estate in Falmouth, Maine. My photo life has brought me to her several times over the past few years. Each time I hang out with her and her team there is a lot of laughter. So, of course I had to reach out to her and include them in my current photo project.

Mo & Edie, Portland City Hall.

Mo & Edie, Portland City Hall.

Even though we just did another round of photos for their company right before everything went crazy, I am sharing this one from the archives because it remains one of my favorites of her and her business partner/friend, Maureen Zemrak. And I know this image is also hanging in Edie’s house, so that makes this photo matter even more to me. If you take the time to print, frame, and display a photo then it’s an image that makes you feel something. It’s a moment that matters. And that’s worth sharing.

So, thank you Edie for making me laugh. And for being open and honest as we navigate this strange new normal we are all in in…

Edie Fontaine, Broker/co-owner of Locations Real Estate Group

“I think the most notable change is I have been forced to slow way down.  I really haven't taken what anyone would consider a vacation in about 20 years.  Ive noticed that I'm LIVING in my home now as opposed to home being a landing spot in between appointments.  I discovered I really like my house!

The most challenging thing so far is keeping my "worst case scenario" personality in check!   I really can't think about this global pandemic, shutdown, toilet paper emergency too deeply or I will become full on agoraphobic.  Right now the thought of going into Hannaford is like dipping my toe in a rolling pot of nuclear waste.

Silver linings - time with my youngest son, Taemin.  One of the finest 12 year old boys you could ever hope to know.  We are reading together, talking about life and reconnecting in a way that I would never have been afforded without this crisis.

I'd love to stay as connected to home and family as I am now.  I'm not sure that life lines up that way, we tend to lean way into the familiar.  What has been familiar, is working at a breakneck pace.

I'm looking forward to the time when I can safely injury myself and go to the hospital without leaving with a COVID-19 parting gift!!!  Slightly accident prone, I am.

I'd like to share that I officially understand now what a shit show this world is.  I discovered you can't trust "grown ups".  I understand too that we are capable of astounding things, like sheltering in place, wearing masks, and the willingness to do this with relative ease because if not we can hurt people.  That's encouraging to me.  Lastly, I find myself feeling like getting back to normal may not be what we should be hoping for.  I'm not sure "normal" was all that worthy of our affection.”

You can find Locations Real Estate (and their recent new photos!) here