Maine Head Shot Photographer:: Another Round of Photos for The April Cohen Team

2020, right? Haha that’s just how I start all things now that involve me being behind in whatever. So, here we are, December 2020. And after a strange year and shoots that didn’t get to happen and events that were gone from the books and other shoots that got moved to later dates, I ended up having the majority of my 2020 in photo land almost all at once making this mediocre blogger and instagrammer even more behind than I normally am. That’s so 2020!

But, here we are. December and the editing is mostly caught up, the majority of people have their images and others are about to get their print orders and I’m over here looking at my lists and reminding myself to just take it one shoot, and one story at a time. So, let’s say hi to this fabulous group of realtors known as The April Cohen Team!

The April Cohen Team, 2020.

The April Cohen Team, 2020.

April and I have been meeting on the streets of SoPo for years now, capturing her personality, enthusiasm, and infectious smile, for all things relating to her real estate life. This year her team has grown to be 5 people strong. It’s pretty cool to get to witness these kinds of shifts over the years.

And true to our norm, there was no shortage of laughs and middle of the street shenanigans, along with all the very professional behavior needed to get the job done. I just know I always have fun with her and her team, so it seems right that in the middle of a pandemic we still found ourselves cracking up in the middle of the street and down side alleys. All in the name of getting those images that show the world who they are.

The 2020 April.

The 2020 April.

We definitely accomplished what we set out to do - capture who they are, make sure it feels like SoPo, and laugh as much as we can. And there will be no mistake going forward what year these photos were taken!

Congrats April and team on your growth and making 2020 one of your best years yet!

Thank you Lee, Jacci, April, Gina, and Megan for being so fun and great to work with. Again. I am so going to your holiday party when we finally get back to doing those kinds of things!

Lee, Jacci, April, Gina, and Megan ready for all the things.

Lee, Jacci, April, Gina, and Megan ready for all the things.

You can them on your social medias @theaprilcohenteam and @soporealtor or listed on The Bean Group website.

Senior Moments:: Nedra, Calais High School * Class of 2021

In a year that has been anything but normal, it’s great to have people getting their senior photos scheduled. Nedra and I had a great time recently photographing her and letting her personality come through. A strong athlete and great student, this one also has a very natural ability in front of a camera. Luckily the sun was starting to set and her family members were getting hungry, otherwise I could have continued to photograph for hours!

Here’s a sneak peak of a few of my favorites from her session. And a reminder to everyone that senior photos don’t need to be boring. No photo shoot with me ever is, but….

Her mom asked me to get a photo showing this necklace as it is important to them as a family. I love it when people ask to do things like that. Plus it gave us a reason to experiment more which I also love!

Her mom asked me to get a photo showing this necklace as it is important to them as a family. I love it when people ask to do things like that. Plus it gave us a reason to experiment more which I also love!

So, thank you Nedra for being so fun and up for whatever! And to her family who patiently let us do what we wanted to get photos that show her as she is now. I hope your Senior year is filled with lots of good, despite things feeling so uncertain right now!

** And a reminder to those of you who keep bringing up Senior photos: reach out and get in the books! Not to be pushy, but the sooner the better. No matter what the beginning of the school year looks like this Fall, it’s going to suddenly feel hectic whether they are in school or learning at home.

From The Archives:: Meg From Portside Real Estate

Meg shows up in front of my camera ready to rock every time. Whether it’s for her head shot update or at an event I may be shooting. So, yes my camera loves her and her enthusiasm and bursting confidence.

I actually wish more people could have that confidence. Imagine how much nicer we would be to ourselves if we didn’t spend all our time telling ourselves bad or untrue things. So, if I could I would bottle up her confidence and energy, because I think a lot of us could use a dose of what she’s got!

Meg’s words as she navigated Covid19 are below (posted weeks after she sent them to me! Which is not how I planned to do this project, but I’m just going to channel my inner Meg and believe that this is all fine. Haha, it’s not, but we can pretend….)


Name: Meg Smith

Occutpation: Broker, Portside Real Estate

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?  Lack of structure!! I am an organized person that needs routine, so creating a new one to still be productive is a bit of a challenge.

2. What has been most challenging?  Again, I will go back to that lack of structure.  Not "having" to be anywhere.  Very easy to slip into staying in my robe drinking coffee all day.  I live alone, so nothing that is pressing to be done.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?  I have dusted off my sewing machine, and certainly had (have) a good project list at my house that is getting completed.  Also, just may get my taxes done on time this year!

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?  Walking my 89 year old neighbors dog for sure.  As well as facetiming with friends on the West Coast and family in NY.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?  OMG- so much!!  The hustle and bustle of daily life, work, GYMS, going out to eat.  Most of all, hugs from my Sister and my Mom.

6. Anything else you want to share. ....Never realized how much of a homebody I am, I think I just may be the ultimate extroverted introvert, lol!!

Thanks for sharing and laughing with me, Meg! Looking forward to our next photo session and whenever events can happen again….

From The Archives:: Rachel

Next up in the From the Archives project is Rachel. I photographed their wedding and have done a few shoots for her and her husband, Chris, for their entrepreneurial endeavors. Lucky us, we got their recent round of photos done this winter, before our lives shifted so drastically. We slid down ice trails in the woods by their house, and laughed and captured various bits of each of their personalities for various marketing needs. This image remains one of my favorites from that day.


Name: Rachel Horton White

Occupation/Company: Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Founder/Owner

What has changed for you since this all began? At the beginning, the only thing was switching to virtual client sessions and my children being at home for me to homeschool, along with my mother's help. However, since then, my grandfather got the virus, and we decided to move to a new house, which we are currently hunting for. 

What has been the hardest part? The past 2 weeks have been some of the hardest in my life. The hardest parts are conflicts with a few family members and my sadness at the vast amount of disinformation and fear being spread and absorbed. The stress of worrying about my grandfather's health and now looking to move has been quite overwhelming. 

And what, if anything, has surfaced as a bit of a silver lining during this time for you? My children are enjoying exploring in nature and doing hands-on projects. We have had nice connections with some neighbors and seen more people out in the streets and families together than ever. My business and the work I do with spiritual seekers and clients who I feel a deep connection with has brought me great joy. I have been blessed to have people seeking out intuitive readings with me from around the world

Are there any shifts you are hoping stay in place as we move forward?  I like the simplicity of cooking at home and finding family activities to do here. Our society was consumerism in overdrive and it imploded. I realize now that we really don't need to go out to eat or to entertainment to enjoy ourselves.

What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? I am looking forward to going back out into the world and seeing people in person as opposed to just on the computer. I can't wait to hang out with friends again and have cookouts and potlucks! 

Thank you, Rachel, for trusting me to capture you and for sharing a bit of your story during this time!

From The Archives: Maureen of Locations Real Estate

Through my time photographing realtors and families, I have been lucky enough to work with Moe a handful of times. She always says things that get me laughing, and is a (somewhat) willing model in times of needing to figure out where the best light is. She also has a gift for being honest and saying what she means. Something I very much appreciate. If she doesn’t like a photo of her or one of her colleagues, I know to keep trying!

So, this winter we were working on getting a location and photographing 25 people at her company. We were able to use The Press Hotel in Portland, spread the shoots out over a few mornings, and then practically as we were taking the last few photos things started to shift quickly and Covid was here and regular life of being in groups inside restaurants and galleries and various other small rooms with nice light was over. I feel very fortunate that we were able to get this job done in the time we did. Minor delays turned out to be almost perfect timing. We rushed around and then all of a sudden we felt like we were standing around. But we weren’t really just standing around because we’re small business owners! We were just forced into a phase of uncertainty, perhaps.

So, thank you Moe for always being a fun photo subject. Thank you Locations Real Estate for trusting me with the task of bringing your 2020 website up to your company’s standards. And THANK YOU, Press Hotel for letting us use your beautiful space!

Below are Moe’s words about her experience(s) navigating our new current normal….


Name: Maureen Zemrak (Moe)
Occupation/Business: Owner and Broker, Locations Real Estate Group

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?

With my profession I am always on the move and in my car, traveling from place to place. Conducting work and life all in the same place has been a very big change, especially how to separate the two under one roof.

2. What has been most challenging?

Staying home was hard for me at first. Being home feels like you have more hats to wear and tasks throughout the day, which made keeping a daily schedule hard to adhere to at the beginning. In addition to the usual professional responsibilities I have as a real estate broker and company owner, I am now an elementary school teacher for my three children, full-time chef, dishwasher (so many dishes!), and event planner. For my family, a large challenge has been getting our kids to understand why we cannot go to the fun birthday parties, or to the movies. We can't spend time with friends and family, and that we have to talk to them and see them in different ways right now.

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?

Family time. We're spending our time together differently and making really fun memories - creating time capsules, having pedicure nights, game nights, movie nights, face painting, crafts, long days of playing outside - taking our time and not being rushed to get anywhere! Crossing a few long-time house projects off the list has been amazing too. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

I have really been impressed with the creativity of our local businesses. I hope that a lot of these new approaches to business stay and continue to flourish, as they are proving to be incredibly popular and supported by fellow Mainers. Opening up so many cool new doors for possibilities!

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? 

My children being able to socialize and play with others. I miss going out to eat, grabbing a coffee out, booking social events, and meeting up with friends and family. 

6. Anything else you want to share..?

I hope that everyone out there is feeling safe. While this has been an emotional, mental and financial time of stress, there has also been an abundance of incredibly thoughtful and generous acts by those in our communities and neighborhoods - I hope folks keep smiling and staying strong. Slow and steady wins the race. 

From The Archives:: Michelle

Weeks ago I reached out to my friend Michelle to get her perspective. I knew her salon was in the early stages of figuring out how to open back up. Since she shared these words with me, they have re-opened. I’m sure there is more I can add to her story at this point, but this is what happens when I don’t blog at the same time as I share the images on Instagram! (* note to self).

Anyway, it’s Thursday so apparently that is blog catch up day and I’m here to share more stories of people’s now with a photo of them from my archives. A photo project I can do in my yoga pants and favorite red sweatshirt?! YES, I’ll do that thankyouverymuch.

One of my faves from a session with Michelle on a very cold day.

One of my faves from a session with Michelle on a very cold day.

Michelle King || Hairdresser/ Co-owner Studio 119

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?

On March 19th my business partner and I made the very difficult decision to close before a mandate was put into place, we made this decision to keep ourselves and our clients safe. My day to day life has changed incredibly staying home now with my two young daughters who would normally be in daycare and school. 

2. What has been most challenging?

Staying present with my daughters has been my biggest challenge, in the stress of the situation it is easy to withdrawn myself. I had the opportunity to stay home for a few years when my girls were infants and while I was thankful to have this opportunity I have always admired stay at home moms, it was not easy for me, this experience has reaffirmed my admiration for teachers and daycare providers! 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?

I have enjoyed the slow down and have tried really hard to appreciate small moments; my older daughter for instance has her adult two front teeth growing in, I’m sure I would have noticed, but within isolation we have watched every fraction of an inch. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

I will be scheduling clients very differently, in larger blocks of time with no double booking. I’m actually looking forward to a slower schedule that will allow me to not only ensure the cleanliness of the space but also to focus and be more present with each of my clients. 

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?

I am eager to be working freely again, I miss my clients and the relationships I share with them, it will be hard to return to the salon with heavy restrictions but it will be necessary to keep everyone safe. 


Thanks Michelle, for sharing a piece of your story! I am looking forward to the days when we can all be in the salon again at the same time, sharing stories, and laughing our heads off. I for one know that a visit to your salon has a way of curing whatever might be ailing me, so those days will be welcome again when the time is right!

For now, safety precautions are the hot new trend xo.

From The Archives:: Edie From Locations Real Estate

Edie Fontaine is the co-owner of Locations Real Estate in Falmouth, Maine. My photo life has brought me to her several times over the past few years. Each time I hang out with her and her team there is a lot of laughter. So, of course I had to reach out to her and include them in my current photo project.

Mo & Edie, Portland City Hall.

Mo & Edie, Portland City Hall.

Even though we just did another round of photos for their company right before everything went crazy, I am sharing this one from the archives because it remains one of my favorites of her and her business partner/friend, Maureen Zemrak. And I know this image is also hanging in Edie’s house, so that makes this photo matter even more to me. If you take the time to print, frame, and display a photo then it’s an image that makes you feel something. It’s a moment that matters. And that’s worth sharing.

So, thank you Edie for making me laugh. And for being open and honest as we navigate this strange new normal we are all in in…

Edie Fontaine, Broker/co-owner of Locations Real Estate Group

“I think the most notable change is I have been forced to slow way down.  I really haven't taken what anyone would consider a vacation in about 20 years.  Ive noticed that I'm LIVING in my home now as opposed to home being a landing spot in between appointments.  I discovered I really like my house!

The most challenging thing so far is keeping my "worst case scenario" personality in check!   I really can't think about this global pandemic, shutdown, toilet paper emergency too deeply or I will become full on agoraphobic.  Right now the thought of going into Hannaford is like dipping my toe in a rolling pot of nuclear waste.

Silver linings - time with my youngest son, Taemin.  One of the finest 12 year old boys you could ever hope to know.  We are reading together, talking about life and reconnecting in a way that I would never have been afforded without this crisis.

I'd love to stay as connected to home and family as I am now.  I'm not sure that life lines up that way, we tend to lean way into the familiar.  What has been familiar, is working at a breakneck pace.

I'm looking forward to the time when I can safely injury myself and go to the hospital without leaving with a COVID-19 parting gift!!!  Slightly accident prone, I am.

I'd like to share that I officially understand now what a shit show this world is.  I discovered you can't trust "grown ups".  I understand too that we are capable of astounding things, like sheltering in place, wearing masks, and the willingness to do this with relative ease because if not we can hurt people.  That's encouraging to me.  Lastly, I find myself feeling like getting back to normal may not be what we should be hoping for.  I'm not sure "normal" was all that worthy of our affection.”

You can find Locations Real Estate (and their recent new photos!) here

From The Archives * Gab of Mad Gab's

We are in strange times. And it seems like every day is a new adventure, a new challenge, a different step in what we can and can’t do. I am in the boat that we have both an obligation and an opportunity to be better citizens right now. This is our chance to slow down down and also step up. Listen to the experts, maintain social distance, find new ways of connecting and new ways of living our day to day.

But, no joke - I know that’s not easy!

So, I’m here with a new photo project. A dip into my archives and a reach into people’s current lives to see how they are doing, coping, adjusting, and if there are things they hope stick around as we try to start to move forward. The community of people my camera and I have spent time with are proving to be extra awesome on the human scale, so I am going to share their stories. Or small chunks of them.

If a pandemic teaches us anything, it may be who we can rely on when things get weird. The people who are trying to work and be good humans and do the right thing are the ones I want in my corner on any given day.

First up, Gab! Owner of Mad Gab’s and big time hugger, high energy problem solver, and feeder of all the people who enter her world….

Gabrielle Melchionda, owner of Mad Gab’s Inc.

Gabrielle Melchionda, owner of Mad Gab’s Inc.

Name: Gabrielle Melchionda
Occupation/Business: Mad Gab’s

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?  Having my crew work remotely or not at all. It’s very lonely and quiet, and on some days I feel like I did in my 20’s when I was a one-woman-show.  (except I’m almost 50 now, so I get tired way easier). I went from being on high-alert-disaster-recovery focused, to high anxiety, to calmer, focused, and determined. 

2. What has been most challenging? Not being able to hug people I love, and feed them. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Yes! So many!  I have found a space for gratitude that feels significant. I’m appreciate inside, and quiet, despite my extrovert nature, I have re-discovered puzzles, and I’m cranking on my book! Also, like many small business owners, I feel like we’re all in this together. Most of the other disasters we’ve survived were ours alone, but in this moment there is solace in knowing we are all going to work through this together and somehow we will figure it out. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? I am excited to continue my local farm delivery service, and morning self care ritual. 

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?  I’m excited to share space, have dinner parties, and hug. (see #2)

6. Anything else you want to share..?  I want to share this: I believe that in spite of all the horrors and realities of what we’re going through, this is an involuntary pause that we can look at as possibility and promise, and I believe we will find our way. If we embrace what we are given, find gratitude and kindness, we will get through this, and perhaps, become better versions of ourselves.


Having been to Gab’s place for dinner, I can say without hesitation that the world is a better place when you can meet in your friend’s kitchen and leave with a full belly and full heart.

Thank You, Gab for all you do and share. I’m honored to have you kick off this project! And looking forward to gathering around a table with you over eats and ‘all things welcome’ conversations.

xo ~ jb

You can follow along with this project on Instagram @judybeedlephotography :)

{Maine Family Photographer}: 5 Years of Davins

I thought I would try something I haven’t done before — combine multiple years of the same family in one post (YAY for people who get family photos every year! & YAY 21 days of blogging!). It’s crazy to see all these photos of the same family all at once. And it’s also a little crazy that I somehow still think of Cole and Ty as they were the first time I met them and photographed them. Now when I see them I’m shocked by how tall they are and how their faces have shifted.

The first time we hung out with my cameras we met in Portland, by a park with a graffiti wall. Things got a little silly. I may have encouraged some of that…

This is actually one of my favorite family group photos - I love the colors and the angle and how they are not perfectly lined up yet.

This is actually one of my favorite family group photos - I love the colors and the angle and how they are not perfectly lined up yet.

haha! :D

haha! :D

Our final attempt at a photo of the 4 of them. Worth it!

Our final attempt at a photo of the 4 of them. Worth it!

The next year we met at SMCC. I loved Cole’s red shorts on that really overcast day. And you will see things were also pretty windy that day…

That wind :D

That wind :D


The next year we met at their home and the dogs got to hang out with us, which was a great way to keep the boys smiling and not worried about the camera (pro tip).

Some years it’s more about the boys, and less about all four of them. Until the next time we can all be in the same place for photos again :)


Then the next year we met at the Portland Museum of Art. Which is a great spot for photos, especially if it starts to drizzle a little.

This was the year I almost fell over when I saw Cole. I couldn’t believe what a difference a year made! And sweet Charlie made another appearance…


And then another year in their yard… some quick shots with dad before had to leave. Then the majority of the time seemed to be all about Charlie.

Charlie is the dog, by the way. He’s a little star at their home and at Dava’s work.

Haha! Charlie is trying to play with everyone, so Cole put his foot over the tennis ball which of course made me chuckle.

Haha! Charlie is trying to play with everyone, so Cole put his foot over the tennis ball which of course made me chuckle.

The star of the family :)

The star of the family :)

So, these were some of my favorites from each of our sessions through the years. It was fun to look at these all again! Photos are so amazing, and I am always honored by the people who come back year after year and value how important family photos are.

Thank you, Dava, Jim, Cole, and Ty! And, of course, Charlie!!

Walking to get photos in year 5. Maybe I’ll save those for! But also, has me wondering if this year Mom will be the shortest in the family…

Walking to get photos in year 5. Maybe I’ll save those for! But also, has me wondering if this year Mom will be the shortest in the family…

Maine Portrait Photographer: Head Shots, part 1

So, I photograph people. Over the last several years I started photographing a local real estate company’s head shots, in addition to actors, small business owners, and anyone in need of a head shot for promotional use. I don’t use a studio, and don’t travel with a big lighting set up. This way of working has its pros and cons, but it works for me. Plus, it allows me to carry what I need on any shoot and not draw any more attention to myself than carrying a camera already does.

So, now you know a little about how I work. I thought I would blog and share some info about where/what/how with some of these shoots, in order to help with ideas and so people can see what works and why.

As a a natural light photographer, I avoid mid-day/the harshest light. A sunny cloudless day is actually not my friend. 9am in Maine most of the year is already harsh, in the world of natural light. And Portland does not have high rise buildings, so finding shade and even light can be a challenge at times.

Michelle, Hair Stylist Extraordinaire. This image is my favorite from her session, but not the one she chose based on what she needed to use the image for.Taken in January / roughly 3:30 pm / with snow on the ground. Yes, we are outside - in an entr…

Michelle, Hair Stylist Extraordinaire. This image is my favorite from her session, but not the one she chose based on what she needed to use the image for.

Taken in January / roughly 3:30 pm / with snow on the ground. Yes, we are outside - in an entry way before entering a museum.

Different times of year will give different kinds of light, just like different times of the day will. The colors and light tend to vary in seasons, depending on what’s growing and what is happening in the sky (producer of the natural light). But more than just the sky giving you the light, there is also the factor of your surroundings. This photo above of Michelle is taken in an area with a lot of bright architectural details, so I wanted to use this to our advantage. Plus her hair and those walls!

Kristia, actress.Downtown Portland, Maine / October /roughly 5:04 pm. I stopped her by this wall so we could capture some of that light happening & dancing around Free Street. I will likely show more of Kristia in other blog posts on this topic,…

Kristia, actress.

Downtown Portland, Maine / October /roughly 5:04 pm. I stopped her by this wall so we could capture some of that light happening & dancing around Free Street. I will likely show more of Kristia in other blog posts on this topic, as we photographed her until roughly 7pm, which in October in Maine means you are on borrowed time with the light, but can still make use of that time of day.

Casey, actress.Portland City Hall / also October / approx 7:20 pm. The bright architecture (again) helped us be able to keep photographing here at this time of day/year.

Casey, actress.

Portland City Hall / also October / approx 7:20 pm. The bright architecture (again) helped us be able to keep photographing here at this time of day/year.

Tom of Port Properties.On a street in Portland / late October / 3:42 pm / weather: chilly and a little windy, sky: overcast.

Tom of Port Properties.

On a street in Portland / late October / 3:42 pm / weather: chilly and a little windy, sky: overcast.

With both Krisita and Casey there were a few locations and outfit changes, as is needed for people who want a few looks. For others, like Tom of PortProperty, we needed one spot and just a few minutes of his time. So as I walked to meet him and his employees I decided where I wanted to photograph them, then spent just a few minutes with each person - partly so they could get back to work, mostly because it was cold, but also because sometimes people are doing something they have to do rather than something they want to do. And I try to respect that.

Dava, owner Portside Real Estate.In a warehouse / August / roughly 9:11 am. Confession: we got lucky this day as this door was open so we ducked inside to get out of the sun, which gave us this great background and nice light. I have not been able t…

Dava, owner Portside Real Estate.

In a warehouse / August / roughly 9:11 am. Confession: we got lucky this day as this door was open so we ducked inside to get out of the sun, which gave us this great background and nice light. I have not been able to repeat this moment in this spot ever since.

Julia of Portside Real Estate Group.In the same complex where I photographed Dava, but in winter and around the corner.January /roughly 3:08 pm / Bright sun, but cold day - so we ducked into an alley.

Julia of Portside Real Estate Group.

In the same complex where I photographed Dava, but in winter and around the corner.

January /roughly 3:08 pm / Bright sun, but cold day - so we ducked into an alley.

Carrie, realtor.South Portland / February (yes! it was cold) / roughly 4:07 pm.

Carrie, realtor.

South Portland / February (yes! it was cold) / roughly 4:07 pm.

So, as seen here photos can happen year round, even in cold Maine with no indoor studio. I will continue to share posts on this topic and some of my favorite times and places to go.

And of course, there’s always inside, in winter. This home was perfect for it, had great natural light, light walls, clean decor. I loved how her necklace matched the decor in this home that wasn’t even hers!

And of course, there’s always inside, in winter. This home was perfect for it, had great natural light, light walls, clean decor. I loved how her necklace matched the decor in this home that wasn’t even hers!

Want your head shots by the ocean? Great! We’ll plan it at certain times of the year (want those boats in the background? Then it needs to be after Memorial Day and possibly by Labor Day…) AND a certain time of day. So head home, eat dinner, and get your face ready for your close up because I only schedule those sessions in the evening. Or early morning.

Except of course, in the winter!

Personal: My {2018} 365 Photo Project

In 2018 I decided to take part in a 365 photo project with a few other photographers in my area. The challenge is to make a photo EVERY DAY for the entire year. In 2017 I had done a photo a week project, and loved how the project made me bring my camera out more often. It’s easy as photographers to silp into only bringing the gear out for paid shoots, and maybe the occasional family gathering. I needed a reminder of how much I love to photograph every day life.

So a photo a week turned into a photo a day. And now that the year is done and the images are edited and the slideshow has been made, I can see that this was no small task. A year stretching out on the horizon seems like an exciting oportunity and a daunting task at the same time. 365 chances to make a photo! But also holy cow 365 days of making photos!! I had to break it down for myself, so it would not feel overwhelming.

First, I had to develop the habit. I did a 21 day habit building exercise, where i wrote every day about this habit and then put the lesson to work. The mindset here is the belief that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit.

Second, I decided to take things one month at a time, but also one DAY at a time. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I was hitting the end of my first month, and then struggled with feeling like I ended the month with an image I wasn’t happy with. This happened a few times if I’m being honest — I would feel great about another month under my belt, but then finish with an image that wasn’t that strong.

{reality check: THAT’S OK}

SO, Third, I reminded myself that YES there are 365 opportunities but some days will be better than others. Some days we are just better at some things, some days we are making sure we get to the end of the day. Learning to be forgiving and let some days feel maybe mediocre, and remind myself that part of this project was about honesty and a splash of perseverance. And the less exciting/inspiring/focused days are like resting spots between the days where there is fun, food, conversation, love, and adventure. So, take them all.

At first I had a small struggle realizing the other photographers doing this had children and adorable fur babies. A constant plethora of photographic subjects. I work from home a lot, have no kids, no pets, and a better half who doesn’t like the attention of a camera. I loved the work I was seeing from others, partly because there was so much energy and honesty. They were capturing these amazing chunks of their everyday life, and the messier the better. I buckled in for a long winter of figuring out how to work around the lack of subject matter in my living space.

But I also knew my option was to work with what I had or go looking for something. As a winter hibernator, I was actually glad for this project and the times it made me bundle up and head out the door. Drive until you find something, head to the beach until your fingers hurt from holding the camera, go visit your family or meet your friends for nachos, even if you already ate. Chase light and life and see what happens. And on the days where that doesn’t happen, slow down and look at things around you and figure out how to photograph it.

I had many moments throughout the year where I was so glad I was doing this project. Glad to the point of feeling incredibly grateful. Grateful for the push, the support, the drive, and for the people in my life and the things we share. I brought my camera to a rally against gun violence. I saw friends and strangers stand together to have their voices heard. I watched people feel the emotion of this time and felt the weight of the moment as I witnessed some of it unfold through my viewfinder. When I loaded the images something looked strange in some of the frames, and I grew concerned I had done something to my gear. But I was in the middle of photographing life every day, so let’s keep going. The something became more of a problem and when I brought me camera to get cleaned I was told there was a hair sharing space in my camera. I looked back through my photo a day project and realized I brought my camera to the hair salon the day before the march. The price of bringing your camera everywhere!

Some days I took over 200 photos, some days 2. One day I looked at my phone will watching Saturday Night Live and saw a post from my photo pals, which made me jolt up in panic that it was 11:42 pm and I had yet to take a photo! I scrambled to get my camera and figure out what to photograph in my dark house. Behold, the refrigerator door! Because when you open it, there is light. Anddddd then I was wide awake for awhile.

I photographed my friends having as much Summer fun as we could in the short time we get it here in Maine. The laughter, the food, the floats, the drinks, the singing. I listened to my friends talk about their struggles with life and family and such, and had moments of wishing the relatives who criticize these friends could see what I see. Photos unfolding in front of me telling the stories of friendship. There are times when this project was humbling that way.

And, of course, the multiple times I got to be with my niece and nephew with the camera. I really like them (super obvious, I know) and actually want to hang out with them often, but we all have lives. This project had me making more efforts to visit and do things with them. Summer evenings in the unicorn castle, excuses to get ice cream, or just show up and play. I would get my photo (and sometimes end up with too many to edit) and would get to hang with them. Works for everyone! Plus, the amount of photos I had at the end of the year to give my family members… it was actually somewhat overwhelming. I printed off close to 300 prints to give to my family both to thank them for supporting my through this, but so they could see how a year in our lives looked. PLUS, the importance of printing your photos! That’s another topic for another blog post. Or several posts.

So, 2018 is a wrap. I’m so glad I got to capture as much of it as I did. Since I didn’t feel like stopping on 12/31/2018, I have continued on with a repeat project for 2019!

Thank you for following along!

Here’s to more real moments for all of us in 2019! xo ~ jb

Family Photos:: Winter Fun with Jan Fam

The holidays are over, and a new year has begun. I like this time of year as a chance to regroup, reassess, maybe reorganize, and get ready for the year ahead. In the world of family photos, this time of year tends to be very quiet for me. But the thing is, family photos in the snow are actually really fun!

I know. Sounds crazy. But trust me. The only catch is snow day photo shoots are not for everyone. They are, however, great for the fun, silly, outdoorsy, or adventurous ones. And after we are done having fun in the snow, it’s a great excuse to hang out and do something warm and cozy back inside. Hot chocolate, baking, pj’s for the rest of the day… or grab the sleds and keep keep the outdoor fun going.

Jan and her girls, always up for whatever.

Jan and her girls, always up for whatever.

This year I got to hang out with Jan and her girls again. Lucky us, because it snowed the night before their shoot. So what started with pj’s and a photo-bombing cat, moved outside to the yard with fun, jumping, and laughter. Plus a color palette that had this photog nerding out a bit.

These colors!

These colors!


I’m not sure if it was the snow that had us laughing almost the whole time, or just how hilarious they all are when they are together. Either way, my cameras and I were loving it. The light was great, the fun was plentiful, and even the parking lot made for a good back drop because that is the magic of a fresh pile of snow (and most of the cars moved out of their normal spots for plowing).

It would have been easy to decide we should reschedule (except not really, considering the time of year). But we knew this would give us photos we haven’t gotten at our other sessions. I’m so glad we both agreed it was game on because we would not have gotten these images and these colors had we rescheduled.


So, I’m here to encourage you to schedule the photo shoot, not worry about the weather, and find a way to capture you and your people living and having fun together. Sounds like a great way to kick off 2019!

Sisters. xo

Sisters. xo