I like lists. I like crossing things off the list as they get done, and seeing the list get smaller and smaller. I REALLY like those days when I get lots of things crossed off the list. I know I am not alone in this. Today I made a list that will guide me as I head into blogging for 21 days. A list that will give me a sense of accomplishment as it gets bigger, which is opposite of my usual to do lists. This will be a GOT IT DONE list, and will have 21 things checked off at then end. Maybe more. We’ll see.
So, it’s day 3 of blogging every day for 21 days (I keep repeating that so it will become habit). I want to share some favorite photos, some stories behind a photo, or just sessions that are more focused on the images and less on the words. It’s going to be a real mixed bag around here.
So today’s list included: Post to IG | EDIT | laundry | EDIT! | find pot holder loops (because the niece and I have plans for crafty fun times) | Make a blog list | BLOG | get the broken husband out of the house | Barre class | make potholder | EDIT | read.
(Yes, I have some editing to do, haha!)
Most of things are getting done. So may I share with you a few faves from a quick session with the M fam, from a day cooler than today, where snuggles were needed and silliness was unavoidable. I loved every minute of it.
And now I think I need to add BUY TOPHAT to my list.
Thank you, Victoria, Alberto, Sylvio, Wilow, and Lucas! Let’s do this again soon…