From The Archives:: Dava of Portside Real Estate

Dava found me years ago as she was starting a new real estate business known as Portside Real Estate. Since then her company has gown and grown and expanded to have several locations in different zip codes. I have been doing the head shots for her company since they started, and it’s been pretty great to watch from a distance how much her company has grown and her life has shifted. She also remains one of my most decisive family photo clients. Nobody picks their final images as quickly as Dava does!

Whenever I see her, she has a smile and a hug for me, and I think it’s safe to say we are always glad to see each other. I can’t imagine how tough things were when this all started and gears needed to shift, knowing how many people’s livelihoods were relying on her. I know for many the tough part was the uncertainty and not knowing how long things would be shut down (and that is still the hard part even though things have started to shift), but I think for some too much time spent in that worry is not an option. Dig in and find a way. And maybe be grateful for some of the shifts that start to happen. Shifts like more time with your kids and at home. More time to listen and think and come up with solutions. Something a lot of smart, hard working people I know have managed to do. Dava is one of those people.

Dava and her boys in front of the Portland Museum of Art.

Dava and her boys in front of the Portland Museum of Art.

Name: Dava Davin

Occupation/Business: Portside Real Estate Group, Founder + CEO

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? I unequivocally know that I would not want to be quarantined with anyone else but my handsome, kind-hearted husband, my two smart and funny boys, and the cutest pup in Maine. 

2. What has been most challenging? Figuring out how to make this time the best it can be for the 100ish Portsiders. Sleepless nights of trying to solve the puzzle when the pieces keep getting sucked up by the vacuum. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share? Oh yes, I have been strangely inspired by all of this to be a better leader, to serve more people, and to do my part to be helpful. We don't know what we are capable of until we are knocked down. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? The less full schedule, having dinner every single night with the ones I love the most. 

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? Hands down, seeing my mom and dad, those two beautiful humans that taught me to follow my dream and take risks, to work hard, and see the beauty around me. 



So, thank you Dava for years of photos and for sharing a piece of your story with me for this project! Looking forward to the days when Portsiders are gathering and raising money for another great local organization… whenever that can happen again!

From The Archives:: Victoria, State Legislator

I fell behind in my blog posts for this project and in that time our country has shifted and the news cycle is no longer leading off with corona virus related information. I have been trying to absorb, listen, understand, and think about what work I need to do. So, as I post these blog posts in an effort to catch up and share people’s stories during this time, I have my head and heart on those articles I still need to read and the book I just got about race in America. I am trying to learn that balance of finishing the work in front of me and working on growing and being better.

So, remembering this day with Victoria and her family helps. We took these photos for her campaign. We were in the process of scheduling her next round of campaign photos when our lives shifted and our town issued stay at home orders. So, like all my sessions that were in the calendar this Spring, this one got postponed until the time allows.

I’m looking forward to seeing them all in real time again, but also trying to be patient so we do that when the time is right and we can all be around each other safely and comfortably. For now, and as I catch up on this From The Archives project, enjoy Victoria’s story she so generously shared with me several weeks ago. A lot has changed and shifted since then, but her words still feel very fitting for now as well…

This family ❤️

This family ❤️

Victoria Morales.

State Legislator.

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things? My dad had a stroke during the pandemic.  Not being able to visit the hospital, worried he was scared, confused and alone, and not knowing how he was was until we got him home was terrifying. 

2. What has been most challenging?  So many things Taking care of my dad after his stroke, supporting my children through online learning, working from home in a small house with everyone home, helping my constituents navigate unemployment issues and many concerns and fears related to Covid-19. The two most important things that have been last on my priority list and shouldn’t be are spending quality time with my partner and with myself.  Deep self care during this time is absolutely necessary to strengthen our foundation of resilience. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?  My children are bonding in new ways, everything seems to be in the blooming process, the garden is growing, and the birds are singing in harmony.  And, as a policy maker, it is becoming very clear that people have to come first, particularly when it comes to essential foundational needs such as safe affordable housing, food, quality education, and health care. 

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward? Less car travel. 

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again? Go outdoors on hikes and to the beach with friends and family

6. Anything else you want to share..?  I have been thinking about grief a lot lately, about the loss of our lives as they were, both generally and through specific tragedies, and I keep coming back to the word transformation, and the idea that through this crisis we will be presented with many opportunities to create and accept change for the better. 

Thank you Victoria for always encouraging people to want and work for better! I’m ready!

From The Archives:: Jan, Midwife & Nurse

Jan is someone I have known for decades, and every few years we get to do family photos together. And because I love this photo of her in her kitchen in this shirt, I knew I needed to include her in this project. Besides, a nurse’s perspective is one we should definitely be hearing during this.

Thanks Jan for taking risks and making sacrifices every day to keep others healthy!


Janice Locke 

Occupation/Business: Nurse Midwife, Central Maine Medical Center.

1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?

Work is very different. We’re all being asked to use vacation days to save money for the organization. Some staff have been furloughed. Providers were asked to take a 10% pay deferment. Like most healthcare facilities, we are financially struggling. Office days, we’re doing a lot of Telehealth prenatal and postpartum visits. Routine appointments/procedures are being postponed. The hospital itself feels like a ghost town. When we get to work, we line up at the front door to be screened for symptoms and get our daily mask. Both staff and patients are required to mask. Labor patients can only have one support person- no big birthday parties. Expectant moms cannot leave the room to walk the halls in labor, nor use the labor tub  (that was a tough pill to swallow.) They have to wear that infernal mask when pushing out their baby which interferes with breathing. But we are fortunate at CMMC (so far) no laboring mother has had Covid, therefore has not had to face the impossible prospect of being separated from her infant after the birth. Of course, our unit is prepared to care for covid positive labor patients if/when the time comes. It feels like a very prolonged calm before the storm.  Everybody’s a little on edge and vigilant.

2. What has been most challenging?

My world has become smaller. I’m either at work or at home. I used to be out and about a lot: restaurants, concerts, road races, kid’s activities. I haven’t even seen my partner since March 17th. Because we both work in the medical field we are both higher risk to be exposed and spread virus to vulnerable people. We’re being conscientious, but it’s hard. 

3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?

Well, even though I’m bringing in 10% less, I’m not spending much so I’ve actually been able to save a bit. For this I am very fortunate. I know so many are struggling.  Also it’s been nice having more quality, unstructured time with the kids. My kids are doing well and that always warms a mother’s heart.

4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?

Maybe more general awareness that we’re all connected. That our choices impact those around us. I love the sparks of kindness, helpfulness, generosity and compassion that arise when we look out for each other. It’s cliche, but we all really are in this together. I hope that spirit sticks around once we have treatments and vaccines. Oh, and I hope people keep washing their hands.

5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?

Seeing people, being social, hugging my parents. I just really miss hugs. I’m a total hugger

Jan and her daughters during our last family photo session.

Jan and her daughters during our last family photo session.

I am ready for one of those hugs when the time allows! Thanks Jan for sharing!

xo ~ jb

In Times of Uncertainty, CREATE.

I haven’t known what to say lately. I have half written blog posts sitting unfinished. Then things got a little crazy and our cities and towns are in a holding pattern and people are being forced to stay home. Simple, mundane tasks now need to come with a strategic plan and a dose of caution. So my blogging silence has become even more so.

I have watched others panic, others adjust, new ways of working being implemented. The hardship and uncertainty getting to so many, and yet making us all better somehow. At least that’s my hope.

So, while I have a backlog of jobs to blog, my ongoing lovebutnotalways relationship with blogging is at another crossroads. A reminder that we photogs don’t always need to be showing what we are getting paid to do. We can share other things. Real life. Feeling uncertain. Business mistakes. Camera experiments. Images that don’t align with our current business or brand (many will not agree with me on this, but it’s ok for us to loosen the reigns every so often). I am here, working from home (which is my normal) but feeling a little isolated at this point and trying to make sure I don’t fall into a funk. Every image I want to share on the insta shows something we are not supposed to be doing right now, and I wobble between is this a thing I should be sensitive about and not share or is this a thing I should share with the reminder of hope for things we will get back to? YES. Both.

So, maybe this is the time to blog fun, happy life moments. Or images I love but don’t know where they fit in with what I do normally. A time to share and work on my craft/style/vision. This is a scary time for so many of us, but the artists are here to remind you that creating will help you through it. Creating whatever it is that brings you a slice of happy or calm or focus or even control (because that is what some may need right now) and it helps shift your brain and use parts you don’t always use in your everyday, working, living, cleaning, provide for your family kind of way.

Today I feel like I need go share some COLOR. Maybe another day it will be some gritty Black and White…

This photo of my nephew is what grabbed my attention today, both for the colors and for the feel. Plus, it’s so very Max.

Last year when the Neph hung out with friends for his birthday. Will they get to do that this year? Maybe on Zoom…

Last year when the Neph hung out with friends for his birthday. Will they get to do that this year? Maybe on Zoom…

Be good to each other. Take care of you. Find a place to put your focus and let’s see what good we can put out into the world. We got this!

{Maine Family Photographer}: 5 Years of Davins

I thought I would try something I haven’t done before — combine multiple years of the same family in one post (YAY for people who get family photos every year! & YAY 21 days of blogging!). It’s crazy to see all these photos of the same family all at once. And it’s also a little crazy that I somehow still think of Cole and Ty as they were the first time I met them and photographed them. Now when I see them I’m shocked by how tall they are and how their faces have shifted.

The first time we hung out with my cameras we met in Portland, by a park with a graffiti wall. Things got a little silly. I may have encouraged some of that…

This is actually one of my favorite family group photos - I love the colors and the angle and how they are not perfectly lined up yet.

This is actually one of my favorite family group photos - I love the colors and the angle and how they are not perfectly lined up yet.

haha! :D

haha! :D

Our final attempt at a photo of the 4 of them. Worth it!

Our final attempt at a photo of the 4 of them. Worth it!

The next year we met at SMCC. I loved Cole’s red shorts on that really overcast day. And you will see things were also pretty windy that day…

That wind :D

That wind :D


The next year we met at their home and the dogs got to hang out with us, which was a great way to keep the boys smiling and not worried about the camera (pro tip).

Some years it’s more about the boys, and less about all four of them. Until the next time we can all be in the same place for photos again :)


Then the next year we met at the Portland Museum of Art. Which is a great spot for photos, especially if it starts to drizzle a little.

This was the year I almost fell over when I saw Cole. I couldn’t believe what a difference a year made! And sweet Charlie made another appearance…


And then another year in their yard… some quick shots with dad before had to leave. Then the majority of the time seemed to be all about Charlie.

Charlie is the dog, by the way. He’s a little star at their home and at Dava’s work.

Haha! Charlie is trying to play with everyone, so Cole put his foot over the tennis ball which of course made me chuckle.

Haha! Charlie is trying to play with everyone, so Cole put his foot over the tennis ball which of course made me chuckle.

The star of the family :)

The star of the family :)

So, these were some of my favorites from each of our sessions through the years. It was fun to look at these all again! Photos are so amazing, and I am always honored by the people who come back year after year and value how important family photos are.

Thank you, Dava, Jim, Cole, and Ty! And, of course, Charlie!!

Walking to get photos in year 5. Maybe I’ll save those for! But also, has me wondering if this year Mom will be the shortest in the family…

Walking to get photos in year 5. Maybe I’ll save those for! But also, has me wondering if this year Mom will be the shortest in the family…

{Maine Family Photographer}: Evie's Birthday Fun

Hello Saturday! Here we are, 16 of 21 days of blogging…. with these fun friends celebrating a birthday together at the beach.


Sometimes as humans we don’t do everything with the intention we originally set out with. Sometimes life happens. Sometimes things take longer than you planned. Sometimes a restaurant you love announces it’s going to close and your friends want to go while we still can, so the task that kept getting put off throughout the day ends up being pushed aside. Because honestly, time with the people who matter is often worth more than a blog post. So, ooooops I missed yesterday! But also… totally worth it!

Which brings us to yesterday’s post that is now today’s. These Friends. This time in their lives celebrating a birthday, laughing, playing, and being together before things in their lives shift. Before different schools and different activities set them off into opposite directions. Glad Evie’s mom had the foresight to realize this is a time and an event that needs to be photographed. For them.

The snapshots of friendship, of a warm evening together, of a slice of time in their lives. This was a photo shoot that hit all the points for me. Snapshots of friends, then just document as they hang out, laugh, be silly, and go to an arcade. Freedom to capture what was happening as it unfolded. No emphasis on trying to make the kids look perfect, but instead just capturing who they are now.

Yes please!

Sisters xo.

Sisters xo.

Photos with friends but of course a few with Mom as well.

Photos with friends but of course a few with Mom as well.


Sometimes after posing for a photo you just need to dance it out. Makes sense - there is a birthday to celebrate and there is still an arcade to get to and prizes to win and eventually cake to eat. I know it’s hard to contain all that excitement!

Sometimes a group photo turns into a mini mosh pit. I’m ok with that. :)

Sometimes a group photo turns into a mini mosh pit. I’m ok with that. :)


Thank you, Evie and friends for being so fun to follow around with my camera!

The next/ really the previous post contains the images from our time in the arcade. This was one heck of a birthday! Glad I got to be there with my cameras to document it.

{Maine Family Photographer}: Summer Vacation Family Photos

When you are vacationing in Maine, it’s smart if you also include time to do family photos. The Buchanans did just that, so between family gatherings and duck boat tours we hung out together in Portland.


Portland has so many spots that make for good photos, and there are ways to dodge the other tourists - even though it’s not always easy on a busy Summer day in Portland’s Waterfront!

I love the colors they chose, and the good mix of silly and …. well behaved :)

So, if you need a little inspiration for a Summer urban photo shoot with good smiles (seriously - note the lack of fake kid smiles!) and great outfits, please enjoy these images from my time with the Buchanan family…

Those eyes and smiles!

Those eyes and smiles!

I can’t remember what was so funny, but whatever it was it was worth it to have these smiles happen.

I can’t remember what was so funny, but whatever it was it was worth it to have these smiles happen.

I can’t get enough of this one.

I can’t get enough of this one.

haha! I love it when one of the siblings brings the silly.

haha! I love it when one of the siblings brings the silly.


And also this because it’s pretty funny……



{Personal}: An LOL Birthday

My niece recently had a birthday. She’s now 7. A few weeks ago there was a small celebration that involved photo booths, fashion shows, cupcakes, unicorns, all things LOL, a ridiculous amount of noise, and me somehow getting trampled by a bunch of giggling kids.

So, that was fun.


So once I got out of the trample pile, I was able to get back to the task of taking photos and watching my family try to navigate this level of energy with a birthday girl who doesn’t do well with loud noises. One friend decided it would be funny to have a food fight, so naturally I laughed and hoped it would happen for photo sake. But instead she just got frosting on her nose and giggled about that.


Eventually we went outside, they ran around, and had these handful of sweet moments that I’m glad my camera was there to witness/capture. These are the kinds of images that need to get printed. The snapshots of life and celebrations that you can look back at for years. I know they will want to remember who was there, how they looked (those missing teeth!), but also that very awesome jean jacket with those fantastic patches.

Photos! Or it didn’t happen. Right?

(Not really, I know. But PHOTOS so you can remember what happened :D )


So, this is not just a post about the niece having a birthday party, but a reminder to capture these moments in life (or hire a professional to do that so you can enjoy and be present) and the final piece of getting your photos printed! It’s important. For many reasons. But only having your life stories in photos on disks and hard drives and phones is not enough.

Trust me.

Friends. xo

Friends. xo

Happy Mother's Day from JBP!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you working hard and loving fiercely in the name of raising good humans! In my many years of photographing families, there are lots of great moments with moms, but here’s a few favorites I pulled after spending time with my mom today…


Thank you to all you moms out there who do what you do every day! And thank you for trusting me to be in your space with my camera, waiting to capture a hug, a laugh, a tear, or a moment of imperfection.

And to those who struggle on Mother’s Day for various reasons, I want you to know I am thinking about you as well.

If this is the year you want to get your family in front of my cameras, I am ready for you!

Family Photos:: Winter Fun with Jan Fam

The holidays are over, and a new year has begun. I like this time of year as a chance to regroup, reassess, maybe reorganize, and get ready for the year ahead. In the world of family photos, this time of year tends to be very quiet for me. But the thing is, family photos in the snow are actually really fun!

I know. Sounds crazy. But trust me. The only catch is snow day photo shoots are not for everyone. They are, however, great for the fun, silly, outdoorsy, or adventurous ones. And after we are done having fun in the snow, it’s a great excuse to hang out and do something warm and cozy back inside. Hot chocolate, baking, pj’s for the rest of the day… or grab the sleds and keep keep the outdoor fun going.

Jan and her girls, always up for whatever.

Jan and her girls, always up for whatever.

This year I got to hang out with Jan and her girls again. Lucky us, because it snowed the night before their shoot. So what started with pj’s and a photo-bombing cat, moved outside to the yard with fun, jumping, and laughter. Plus a color palette that had this photog nerding out a bit.

These colors!

These colors!


I’m not sure if it was the snow that had us laughing almost the whole time, or just how hilarious they all are when they are together. Either way, my cameras and I were loving it. The light was great, the fun was plentiful, and even the parking lot made for a good back drop because that is the magic of a fresh pile of snow (and most of the cars moved out of their normal spots for plowing).

It would have been easy to decide we should reschedule (except not really, considering the time of year). But we knew this would give us photos we haven’t gotten at our other sessions. I’m so glad we both agreed it was game on because we would not have gotten these images and these colors had we rescheduled.


So, I’m here to encourage you to schedule the photo shoot, not worry about the weather, and find a way to capture you and your people living and having fun together. Sounds like a great way to kick off 2019!

Sisters. xo

Sisters. xo

Family Photos: Zephyr's Family

Years ago I met and worked with Tricia, selling lip balms for a small company, and sharing life stories over daily lunches. Since then she has moved out of Maine, and now has this group of people to call family. And luckily I got to hang out with all three of them at the beach this Fall…

Zephyr, Tricia, and Merrill.

Zephyr, Tricia, and Merrill.

We met at the beach on a somewhat dreary day, but you know a little bit of rain looming in the air does not have to damper a child’s excitement to see the ocean.

I love watching kids get excited when the water hits their feet. As an adult I still love that feeling! Toes in the sand and cold water around my feet never gets old. Z definitely loved getting not just her feet but her legs in the ocean water.

Those curls!

Those curls!


Let’s also take a moment to give it up for Zephyr’s mom who made that adorable top she’s wearing. Perfect for a beach session, and looks great in color or black & white!

Thank you, Tricia, Merrill, and Zephyr for a fun(ny) family photo sesh!

Final goofy photo on the way back to the car. Adults with a little steam left, Z is now running on empty. I appreciate this honesty :)

Final goofy photo on the way back to the car. Adults with a little steam left, Z is now running on empty. I appreciate this honesty :)