In Times of Uncertainty, CREATE.

I haven’t known what to say lately. I have half written blog posts sitting unfinished. Then things got a little crazy and our cities and towns are in a holding pattern and people are being forced to stay home. Simple, mundane tasks now need to come with a strategic plan and a dose of caution. So my blogging silence has become even more so.

I have watched others panic, others adjust, new ways of working being implemented. The hardship and uncertainty getting to so many, and yet making us all better somehow. At least that’s my hope.

So, while I have a backlog of jobs to blog, my ongoing lovebutnotalways relationship with blogging is at another crossroads. A reminder that we photogs don’t always need to be showing what we are getting paid to do. We can share other things. Real life. Feeling uncertain. Business mistakes. Camera experiments. Images that don’t align with our current business or brand (many will not agree with me on this, but it’s ok for us to loosen the reigns every so often). I am here, working from home (which is my normal) but feeling a little isolated at this point and trying to make sure I don’t fall into a funk. Every image I want to share on the insta shows something we are not supposed to be doing right now, and I wobble between is this a thing I should be sensitive about and not share or is this a thing I should share with the reminder of hope for things we will get back to? YES. Both.

So, maybe this is the time to blog fun, happy life moments. Or images I love but don’t know where they fit in with what I do normally. A time to share and work on my craft/style/vision. This is a scary time for so many of us, but the artists are here to remind you that creating will help you through it. Creating whatever it is that brings you a slice of happy or calm or focus or even control (because that is what some may need right now) and it helps shift your brain and use parts you don’t always use in your everyday, working, living, cleaning, provide for your family kind of way.

Today I feel like I need go share some COLOR. Maybe another day it will be some gritty Black and White…

This photo of my nephew is what grabbed my attention today, both for the colors and for the feel. Plus, it’s so very Max.

Last year when the Neph hung out with friends for his birthday. Will they get to do that this year? Maybe on Zoom…

Last year when the Neph hung out with friends for his birthday. Will they get to do that this year? Maybe on Zoom…

Be good to each other. Take care of you. Find a place to put your focus and let’s see what good we can put out into the world. We got this!

365 Photo Project {September}

September. Do you remember? Of course I do, because I have the photos. Otherwise, I would likely forget much of it.

As September rolled around, I’ll admit I was feeling unsure about continuing this project. Lots of little things and distractions and excuses and some days where my heart just wasn’t in it. And that can be hard when you are trying to push yourself and grow creatively. But there are other days when I can’t wait to see what I get with my camera. So, life balance. But September marked that point when I thought it’s possible I should be done with the 365 round 2. But I’m still here, still chasing light, still sticking my camera in people’s faces, still seeing how I can push and learn this mirrorless camera, still documenting people living life. A handful of days where I forgot or didn’t want to shift gears from whatever I was doing or was actually bored by what I was capturing are really just those points that help push you further, rather than stopping in your tracks.

Besides, September is pretty much a favorite for us Mainers. I’m still wearing flip flops. But also a scarf. Still jumped into water when I could (and still might in October). Still making potholders with the niece, and seeing the Neph on stage. Still laughing with friends and trying to find new details in my house and trying to get more human interaction/less time in front of a screen (hard in this line of work, in this day and age). And putting in the quiet work to get me to some shifts as we head into a new year in a few months. So, September you seemed to go by in a blur, but also seemed to stand still at times. Either way, I’m always glad to see you.

9/1. Our last hoorah weekend at my pal’s camp.

9/1. Our last hoorah weekend at my pal’s camp.

9/2. Everyday things that grab my eye.

9/2. Everyday things that grab my eye.





9/5. Reminder to look up sometimes.

9/5. Reminder to look up sometimes.

9/6. Friend Birthday shenanigans in OOB.

9/6. Friend Birthday shenanigans in OOB.





9/9. Our sidewalk apple tree went crazy this year. But mostly just dropped apples to the ground.

9/9. Our sidewalk apple tree went crazy this year. But mostly just dropped apples to the ground.

9/10. Got a new book to read.

9/10. Got a new book to read.

9/11. Alison. She and I met at a photo conference a few years ago. Then her family packed up their lives and moved to Portland. So we try to get together to eat food, drink drinks, and talk about life. And sometimes laugh about the terrible hashbrow…

9/11. Alison. She and I met at a photo conference a few years ago. Then her family packed up their lives and moved to Portland. So we try to get together to eat food, drink drinks, and talk about life. And sometimes laugh about the terrible hashbrowns neither of us could manage to eat.

9/12. Paige. I used this moment to play with some B&W editing and I love some of the tones not just in her face, but around the rest of the image. Taken with the Nikon Z6 (as are many others in this post/project).

9/12. Paige. I used this moment to play with some B&W editing and I love some of the tones not just in her face, but around the rest of the image. Taken with the Nikon Z6 (as are many others in this post/project).

9/13. Potholder mayhem.

9/13. Potholder mayhem.

9/14. Met this human at an event. I could relate to many of her facial expressions.

9/14. Met this human at an event. I could relate to many of her facial expressions.

9/15. Sundays & potholders & snacks. LET’S DO THIS.

9/15. Sundays & potholders & snacks. LET’S DO THIS.







9/19. The Totally Awesome Vegan Food Truck at Portside Real Estate’s Annual Autumn Equinox | Maine Audobon | Falmouth,, they live up to their name!

9/19. The Totally Awesome Vegan Food Truck at Portside Real Estate’s Annual Autumn Equinox | Maine Audobon | Falmouth, Maine.

ps, they live up to their name!

9/20. Agents of Change Conference | Portland, Maine.

9/20. Agents of Change Conference | Portland, Maine.

9/21. Floating day!

9/21. Floating day!

9/22. Delivering Smiles (aka home made potholders) to friends. And this goodbye hug.

9/22. Delivering Smiles (aka home made potholders) to friends. And this goodbye hug.



9/24. Took the Neph to a college fair, so naturally we took a photo under this sign. But in fairness I wanted the better light.

9/24. Took the Neph to a college fair, so naturally we took a photo under this sign. But in fairness I wanted the better light.

9/25. Home.

9/25. Home.

9/26. A fractured tooth no longer lives in my mouth. So here’s a selfie of my laying around with an ice pack on my face.

9/26. A fractured tooth no longer lives in my mouth. So here’s a selfie of my laying around with an ice pack on my face.

9/27. More found things that catch my eye.

9/27. More found things that catch my eye.

9/28. About to see the Neph in Matilda | Lyric Theater | South Portland, Maine.

9/28. About to see the Neph in Matilda | Lyric Theater | South Portland, Maine.

9/29. Hula hoop dance off with the niece.

9/29. Hula hoop dance off with the niece.

9/30. Lazy time.

9/30. Lazy time.

So another month down, another shift into another season. I feel like October is going to be pretty great. And not just in front of my camera…


365 Photo Project {August}

August. What even was that?

An interesting month, I guess. Kicking off with surgery to put the broken hubs back together again, humid and/or rained out photo shoots, crafty fun times for this Aunt (and the broken Uncle), a handful of plunges into water, news of a local favorite restaurant closing, ice cream, silliness, good conversation, plotting, some Netflix binging, and way more time with the hubs than pretty much ever.

Some Summer moments, but also the feeling that Summer disappeared while we were driving around to appointments, grocery shopping, sort of adulting, and watching six seasons of The Walking Dead. Some days where I didn’t feel like I had my heart in this project because my brain was needed elsewhere. Other days where I felt like I was definitely putting in the effort to continue to grow at my craft. So, a month like no other in some ways, yet like so many months in other ways.

August 1 / Scott Surgery day and the day I didn’t pick up my camera. So here is a photo from another day I the broken guy diaries.

August 1 / Scott Surgery day and the day I didn’t pick up my camera. So here is a photo from another day I the broken guy diaries.

8/2. 1st day of surgery recovery. This was my view for a large portion of the day.

8/2. 1st day of surgery recovery. This was my view for a large portion of the day.

8/3. Band in a barn.

8/3. Band in a barn.

8/4. Niece visit to entertain the healing broken guy. Instead she took his scooter and rode around the house.

8/4. Niece visit to entertain the healing broken guy. Instead she took his scooter and rode around the house.

8/5. One of those ‘waiting for a client to show up’ photos.

8/5. One of those ‘waiting for a client to show up’ photos.

8/6. Pool Time. Same pool I spent my Summers in as a kid. Back in my day floats were not allowed! *please read that in your best old timey voice*

8/6. Pool Time. Same pool I spent my Summers in as a kid. Back in my day floats were not allowed! *please read that in your best old timey voice*

8/7. Post Photo shoot view.

8/7. Post Photo shoot view.

8/8. Crafty fun times with this one. We started our potholder party fun times that we plan to continue for roughly until the world runs out of potholder loops. Oh, and I painted her nails.

8/8. Crafty fun times with this one. We started our potholder party fun times that we plan to continue for roughly until the world runs out of potholder loops. Oh, and I painted her nails.

8/9. That’s handy.

8/9. That’s handy.

8/10. Broken guy wanted some plants, so I stopped everything to get him to a plant place :D

8/10. Broken guy wanted some plants, so I stopped everything to get him to a plant place :D

8/11. Brothers.

8/11. Brothers.

8/12. Tacos! And this tasty beverage.

8/12. Tacos! And this tasty beverage.

8/13. Scooting around like a pro.

8/13. Scooting around like a pro.

8/14. Check up day!

8/14. Check up day!

8/15. The day we ‘mailed smiles’ which is our new thing based on our potholder party fun. Assemble packages, write notes, add glitter to some, hit the post office, then hit the pool! But this image won for the day, even though there were 20 others I…

8/15. The day we ‘mailed smiles’ which is our new thing based on our potholder party fun. Assemble packages, write notes, add glitter to some, hit the post office, then hit the pool! But this image won for the day, even though there were 20 others I also liked.

8/16. Summer Fest turned into Hula HoopALOOOZA for us! So fun.

8/16. Summer Fest turned into Hula HoopALOOOZA for us! So fun.

8/17. Wall in my office.

8/17. Wall in my office.

8/18. Got to hang with these friends ❤️

8/18. Got to hang with these friends ❤️

8/19. The lawn needed mowing. The lawn mower wouldn’t start. The broken guy got a part and got it fixed. Then stood on his crutches trying to get me to mow the way he likes. I can guarantee you it didn’t go his way. 😁

8/19. The lawn needed mowing. The lawn mower wouldn’t start. The broken guy got a part and got it fixed. Then stood on his crutches trying to get me to mow the way he likes. I can guarantee you it didn’t go his way. 😁

8/20. In the yard.

8/20. In the yard.

8/21. Another play date with this one. She brought ALL HER GAMES.

8/21. Another play date with this one. She brought ALL HER GAMES.

8/22. Sebago Lake.

8/22. Sebago Lake.

8/23. CAKE!! Last Supper at Silly’s with these pals.

8/23. CAKE!! Last Supper at Silly’s with these pals.

8/24. Lake day with some derby pals and we stopped for ice cream.

8/24. Lake day with some derby pals and we stopped for ice cream.

8/25. Broken guys is healing. This photo actually shows progress, even if it doesn’t look that way.

8/25. Broken guys is healing. This photo actually shows progress, even if it doesn’t look that way.

8/26. Happy Hour and people watching with my pal, Gab.

8/26. Happy Hour and people watching with my pal, Gab.

8/27. One of those 365 moments where I love the shift I see from my regular work, even if it doesn't grab other people the same way.

8/27. One of those 365 moments where I love the shift I see from my regular work, even if it doesn't grab other people the same way.

8/28. GLITTER and a laptop.

8/28. GLITTER and a laptop.

8/29. Having out after the first day of school. I added some of the glitter to her nails…

8/29. Having out after the first day of school. I added some of the glitter to her nails…

8/30. Another fun afternoon in the pool with the Niece and then she sat right in a super good spot of sunlight and we chatted about snacks and other things.

8/30. Another fun afternoon in the pool with the Niece and then she sat right in a super good spot of sunlight and we chatted about snacks and other things.

8/31. Camp with my super long time pal and her daughter. There is always a little September sadness at their camp. This year it’s more since this may be our last time here together. I know of a good camp for sale if anyone wants to buy it and let me…

8/31. Camp with my super long time pal and her daughter. There is always a little September sadness at their camp. This year it’s more since this may be our last time here together. I know of a good camp for sale if anyone wants to buy it and let me hang out with you!

A lot can happen in a month, as this project continually shows me month after month. But when you are hurt, have surgery, can’t drive or work, looking back over a month’s time is also pretty crazy. Broken guy made serious progress from August 1 to the last day of the month, making us both feel like we are over that hump. Or at least the worst part of it. Which is great since technically the best month of the year is now here!

Bring it, September.

{Maine Lifestyle Photographer}: Celebrating Day 21 of 21

Well. Here it is. Day 21. Day 21 of a challenge to blog for 21 days. Yikes/Wow/Yipppeeee!

Celebrate the things in life. Like getting your license. Or blogging for 21 days.

Celebrate the things in life. Like getting your license. Or blogging for 21 days.

Real Talk: that wasn't easy. I’m trying to think about the pros and cons of this challenge. But it’s probably simple: Cons were 1) it was a lot of work, 2) there were so many days where I simply didn’t want to or had no idea what to blog about, and 3) for me it’s a CON when I start to feel like it’s too much MEmeMe HI look at ME. I’m a little weird about that.


But the PROS of course were I made the time, buckled in, created content, and I DID IT. Now there is actually more work out there and not just on hard drives. More stories shared. And for me, it’s worth it to get to share things that aren’t always about professional work.





I have times when what I am photographing for people is not my story to tell, not really my thing to share first.. Head Shots for professionals starting a new job or rebuilding a brand (not my story to share before they do!), Images for an organization working on their website and needing to put the imagery out to the world when they are ready (so get the images for them, and let them share when things are ready for the world to know about them), and lately some work that is sensitive because it involves humans trying to get established after many hard months of uncertainty. So many things I don’t share on the blog, but maybe can eventually when the timing is right and whatever dust needs to settle does.

Dinner with friends/ celebrating birthdays.

Dinner with friends/ celebrating birthdays.

But I liked sharing little snippets of life and small moments in photos. I’d like to think I will continue to feel free to do that. I’m also hoping that from now on when the calendar says BLOG, I will find the time to do it. If I’m smart, I’ll also be better about prepping for blog posts ahead of time. A thing that as a photographer should be part of our workflow. Being human is a funny tale in being imperfect. And I can tell you many, many tales!

Sawyer wants to show me his fort upstairs.

Sawyer wants to show me his fort upstairs.

Because in addition to sharing photo jobs, and the ongoing 365 project, there are thousands of life moments that may not get seen because they weren’t a thing for pay or they didn’t make the cut for a single photo on a certain day. But life unfolds in front of my camera on a daily basis (even if some of those days are WAAAAY less exciting than others). There is joy and laughter and uncertainty and fatigue and victory and good food and self consciousness and exploding confidence and quiet moments of thinking to capture and possibly share. It doesn’t always have to be for pay. It can be simply to document, and maybe to spread happiness and a little humanity.

Ice cream on a cold day with Molly and Kristina.

Ice cream on a cold day with Molly and Kristina.

I have a project I am currently really proud to be part of. But I can’t share until they do. I want to promise to do so when the time is right. Because capturing people who love their people and love what they do is definitely a thing we could all use more of.

After School time with the niece and my mom.

After School time with the niece and my mom.

There is a belief that people photograph what they are most afraid of losing. I photograph humanity. Even if it’s on a small scale of my family/neighborhood/community/friends/local business owners and non profit organizations. Maybe this challenge helped me see that a little clearer.

So my day 21 features a few photos that didn’t make the cut this year in the world of 365 photo project 2019, but that I want to be seen and shared. Little slices of life, that seem like not much at the time. But when seen with others, it’s a good reminder that these little human moments and exchangers are what end up being full of all the good.

And I’m up for that.

Pool buddy.

Pool buddy.

{Maine Lifestyle Photographer}: Summerfest

If there’s one thing my niece is used to, it’s me following her around with my camera. I have been doing a photo a day project since the first day of 2018, and a photo a week project in 2017. So, that’s a lot of months of me always showing up and having my camera. And often turning it towards her.

I recently went to SummerFest, so of course the camera came out. I never thought about it much before, but at this outdoor celebration of Summer it occurred to me that perhaps at times it might look like she has her own personal photographer following her everywhere.

But how can you not want to photograph this face or that balloon hat?

So, here are a handful of photos taken with the new Nikon Z6 as I followed my niece around while still learning what this new camera can do…



We said hi to our pals Hello Newman.

We said hi to our pals Hello Newman.


So after glitter tattoos, darts, a train ride, pony ride, saying HI to Hello Newman, kettle corn and fried Oreos, we found some hula hoopers and took turns with their extra hoop. Which was ridiculously fun and also a great test for the new camera and to see what I can get it to do.

Pretty much a perfect Summer night.


And I have to say, the niece has got some serious hula hoop skills!

{Maine Lifestyle Photographer}: A 365 Outtake

It’s past 8 pm and I haven’t gotten to today’s blog post.


The Niece and the Hubs getting ready to beat me at Hangman.

The Niece and the Hubs getting ready to beat me at Hangman.

But that’s what happens on a full day when you didn’t prep ahead of time. Or it’s just a reminder to get some things done early. I’ll try to remember that in the future.

No promises, though. :)

Today the niece and I sent some fun mail to some people who may not know it’s coming. We made things and wrote cards together, then headed to the post office with hopes of making some people smile. Yesterday the ankle injured hubs got his cast off, and is moving on to a boot with crutches, and then eventually walking again.

So, it’s been a productive few days.

I came home, sat down to blog, scrolled through some images, and chose this photo of these two. Seemed like the right fit after today’s goodness.

And now I’m going to crash because I feel that kind of tired where words are not coming easy…

365 Photo Project {July}

July. The time of year we Mainers live for. Personally I don’t live for the heat too much, but do live for the time of year when jumping in the water as much as possible is a thing that can happen.

This July was a little different than others. I kept my calendar lighter than normal, and took some time off the week of 4th of July. Then my better half fell off a ladder, and things shifted. So, we are a few weeks in to healing from a fall - no driving, no working, not able to put weight his right foot. So, there have been doctor appointments, paperwork, casts, surgery, a lot of sitting, binge watching The Walking Dead, and simply trying to heal. So, this July delivered a bit of a curveball, and has changed some of our daily routines.

But there was also a trip to New York with my brother and nephew, a mini college reunion, a World Cup win for Women’s Soccer (!!), time by lakes, ponds, oceans, and pools, gathering with friends for food and conversation. So, a disruption of normal routines, but still lots of good life stuff and camera time.

Here are a few of the daily winners as life played out in front of my camera…













7/7. World Cup WATCHING!

7/7. World Cup WATCHING!

















































So, July felt like a weird month, yet still a good one. I came home from a trip and the next day the hubs had surgery, so healing part two started almost 3 weeks after the initial injury. it’s a weird thing to have your life be forced to a slower pace, but there’s also something in there that may be good somehow. Maybe that’s gratitude.

We’ll just keep doing things one day at a time, sort of like this project….

365 Photo Project {June}

It’s only July 8th as I sit down to write this blog post and already June feels like it was forever ago. I did a thing this past week for July 4th - I took a semi vacation! There was just so much water to be jumping into and people visiting and offices not holding regular business hours and any other things to help me lose my focus. So, I mostly checked out, and though I meant to do this post several days ago I am glad I tuned out for several days because I think I needed it. So, when I look at these photos from June it already feels like awhile ago because I am climbing out of my little tuned out staycation time warp.

June showed up and then Summer decided to finally get here. It brought sun, rain, out of town visitors, good food, live music, a few late nights, laughter, sweat, dancing, goodbyes, splashing around in water, and people doing awesome things to help and lift others. So, again a pretty good month! And again, thankful for daily photos for the reminders of the good moments that otherwise may not really be remembered because they seemed so simple at the time.

Here is a glimpse at how my camera and I saw June….





6/3. Maine Roller Derby Practice | Portland Expo | Portland, Maine.

6/3. Maine Roller Derby Practice | Portland Expo | Portland, Maine.

6/4. Nabil and Scott reunited | South Portland, Maine.

6/4. Nabil and Scott reunited | South Portland, Maine.

6/5. Spry in my kitchen.

6/5. Spry in my kitchen.

6/6. Walk to ice cream with Lisa.

6/6. Walk to ice cream with Lisa.

6/7. Happy Birthday to this guy!

6/7. Happy Birthday to this guy!

6/8. PortFringe rehearsal | South Portland, Maine.

6/8. PortFringe rehearsal | South Portland, Maine.

6/9. Hanging on my brother’s back deck and the Neph needs help with his tie.

6/9. Hanging on my brother’s back deck and the Neph needs help with his tie.

6/10. Home.

6/10. Home.

6/11. Midnight hola hooping because need to get my photo for the day!

6/11. Midnight hola hooping because need to get my photo for the day!





6/14. Last day of school for the Neph. He wore his No Colon Still Rollin shirt which is one of the many reasons why he is an awesome human.

6/14. Last day of school for the Neph. He wore his No Colon Still Rollin shirt which is one of the many reasons why he is an awesome human.

6/15. PRIDE PARADE! Portland, Maine.

6/15. PRIDE PARADE! Portland, Maine.

6/16. These cute neighbors.

6/16. These cute neighbors.

6/17. This delicious meal | David’s Restaurant | Portland, Maine.

6/17. This delicious meal | David’s Restaurant | Portland, Maine.

6/18. Reggie | PortFringe | Portland, Maine.

6/18. Reggie | PortFringe | Portland, Maine.

6/19. Neighbors.

6/19. Neighbors.

6/20. At Portside Real Estate’s annual Rooftop REcharge to benefit Girls On The Run | Portland, Maine.

6/20. At Portside Real Estate’s annual Rooftop REcharge to benefit Girls On The Run | Portland, Maine.

6/21. Bayside Rooftop | Portland, Maine.

6/21. Bayside Rooftop | Portland, Maine.

6/22. When Hello Newman and Maine Roller Derby cruise around Casco Bay together | Portland, Maine.

6/22. When Hello Newman and Maine Roller Derby cruise around Casco Bay together | Portland, Maine.

6/23. Sometimes I put on the ancient nifty fifty and find things to photograph at f 1.8.

6/23. Sometimes I put on the ancient nifty fifty and find things to photograph at f 1.8.

6/24. This Summer’s Pool buddy got new goggles.

6/24. This Summer’s Pool buddy got new goggles.

6/25. Some friends visited from NYC, so I photographed her daughter, Lila, while we waited for a table at Eventide | Portland, Maine.

6/25. Some friends visited from NYC, so I photographed her daughter, Lila, while we waited for a table at Eventide | Portland, Maine.

6/26. Lying around waiting for class to start | Tula Studios | South Portland, Maine.

6/26. Lying around waiting for class to start | Tula Studios | South Portland, Maine.

6/27. Brother and niece and my new mirrorless camera | Scarborough, Maine.

6/27. Brother and niece and my new mirrorless camera | Scarborough, Maine.

6/28. Summer floating friends | Auburn, Maine.

6/28. Summer floating friends | Auburn, Maine.

6/29. My dad would have been 79 on this day. So, food and family silliness is how we choose to honor him on this day | Sinful Kitchen | Portland, Maine.

6/29. My dad would have been 79 on this day. So, food and family silliness is how we choose to honor him on this day | Sinful Kitchen | Portland, Maine.

6/30. Fan weather

6/30. Fan weather

{365} Photo Project: May

May. Month 5 of photographing life every day. The month where we all seem to come alive in Maine. I love seeing and hearing neighborhoods with kids getting outside and playing. Bikes come out, sidewalk chalk gets used, people start gathering outside to chat, eat, and laugh. This May was a wet one here in Maine, but my camera and I managed to capture combinations of chilly damp days and the happy relief of getting some sun in our eyes. And, as is always my goal this time of year, I made sure to get by and IN the water.

Eating, hanging out, capturing events, seeing live music, recitals, birthdays, walks to raise money for important causes, traces of shifting seasons, laughing, and even trying indoor climbing for the first time… all got to be part of what made May a pretty busy and great month. Thankful for this project to remind me of the good that continues to happen month after month…

5/1. Thunder and the Niece at the 2nd annual Red Storm Strikes Out Cancer Walk in Scarborough.

5/1. Thunder and the Niece at the 2nd annual Red Storm Strikes Out Cancer Walk in Scarborough.

5/2. This was a delicious and fun meal.

5/2. This was a delicious and fun meal.



5/4. One of my faves from the month. I love people’s different body language and gestures.

5/4. One of my faves from the month. I love people’s different body language and gestures.

5/5. For years the Neph has been holding an annual bake sale to raise money for The Maine Cancer Foundation. This year he raised money for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and for their walk where he was being honored as one of their heroes of t…

5/5. For years the Neph has been holding an annual bake sale to raise money for The Maine Cancer Foundation. This year he raised money for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and for their walk where he was being honored as one of their heroes of the year. Pretty cool kid, right?

5/6. Hi Spring!

5/6. Hi Spring!

5/7. Another rainy day, another photo shoot. Kallie from Portside Real Estate at the end of her photo session before we both jumped into our cars and out of the rain.

5/7. Another rainy day, another photo shoot. Kallie from Portside Real Estate at the end of her photo session before we both jumped into our cars and out of the rain.

5/8. These two. Laughing and reading books after school.

5/8. These two. Laughing and reading books after school.

5/9. The Niece turned a whole year older this day. Happy 7th birthday, Button!

5/9. The Niece turned a whole year older this day. Happy 7th birthday, Button!

5/10. Recital Dress Rehearsal. Waiting to go back stage.

5/10. Recital Dress Rehearsal. Waiting to go back stage.

5/11. Family birthday party for this one.

5/11. Family birthday party for this one.

5/12. Mother’s Day. We went out for ice cream with my mom. This one stayed home in her cozy hoodie robe thing.

5/12. Mother’s Day. We went out for ice cream with my mom. This one stayed home in her cozy hoodie robe thing.



5/14. Someone got a dollhouse for her birthday…

5/14. Someone got a dollhouse for her birthday…

5/15. Small Business Awards. Lots of Mainers doing some great things!

5/15. Small Business Awards. Lots of Mainers doing some great things!

5/16. Only one of these is for me.

5/16. Only one of these is for me.

5/17. The Ghost of Paul Revere and the Perry Brothers playing at the Zachau Construction celebration for 50 years in business | Brick South, Thompson’s Point, Portland, Maine.

5/17. The Ghost of Paul Revere and the Perry Brothers playing at the Zachau Construction celebration for 50 years in business | Brick South, Thompson’s Point, Portland, Maine.

5/18. About to walk for Crohn’s & Colitis. This image cracks me up because every face seems to lead you to another face doing another thing…

5/18. About to walk for Crohn’s & Colitis. This image cracks me up because every face seems to lead you to another face doing another thing…

5/19. My high school pal and I tried this thing and it was only sort of scary and I’m only sort of bad at it. And we laughed about how it’s on land where people maybe partied when we were in school. Maybe.

5/19. My high school pal and I tried this thing and it was only sort of scary and I’m only sort of bad at it. And we laughed about how it’s on land where people maybe partied when we were in school. Maybe.

5/20. Hooligans.

5/20. Hooligans.

5/21. City Hall | Portland, Maine.

5/21. City Hall | Portland, Maine.

5/22. Bikes, books, unicorn castle time, and heart shades for this one on this day.

5/22. Bikes, books, unicorn castle time, and heart shades for this one on this day.



5/24. My friend’s kid, Maggie is one of the coolest people I know. She plays guitar and violin. IN A GIRL BAND.Maine Academy of Modern Music event | Bayside Bowl | Portland, Maine.

5/24. My friend’s kid, Maggie is one of the coolest people I know. She plays guitar and violin. IN A GIRL BAND.

Maine Academy of Modern Music event | Bayside Bowl | Portland, Maine.

5/25. On this day I met Willard! Then went in the water while my friends floated in a giant unicorn.

5/25. On this day I met Willard! Then went in the water while my friends floated in a giant unicorn.

5/26. MOVIE time with these two.

5/26. MOVIE time with these two.

5/27. Neighborhood artist.

5/27. Neighborhood artist.

5/28. Prepping for this year’s Port Fringe. Keep your eyes peeled for the schedule and be sure to go see Seance on a Tuesday afternoon!

5/28. Prepping for this year’s Port Fringe. Keep your eyes peeled for the schedule and be sure to go see Seance on a Tuesday afternoon!

5/29. The other Beetle.

5/29. The other Beetle.

5/30. Met this handsome guy on a shoot.

5/30. Met this handsome guy on a shoot.

5/31. On a rooftop. Or a boat. Almost doesn’t matter because it’s eat and drink outside season!

5/31. On a rooftop. Or a boat. Almost doesn’t matter because it’s eat and drink outside season!

Ok, May that was busy and fun and now I’m ready for more sunny days by the water!