September. Do you remember? Of course I do, because I have the photos. Otherwise, I would likely forget much of it.
As September rolled around, I’ll admit I was feeling unsure about continuing this project. Lots of little things and distractions and excuses and some days where my heart just wasn’t in it. And that can be hard when you are trying to push yourself and grow creatively. But there are other days when I can’t wait to see what I get with my camera. So, life balance. But September marked that point when I thought it’s possible I should be done with the 365 round 2. But I’m still here, still chasing light, still sticking my camera in people’s faces, still seeing how I can push and learn this mirrorless camera, still documenting people living life. A handful of days where I forgot or didn’t want to shift gears from whatever I was doing or was actually bored by what I was capturing are really just those points that help push you further, rather than stopping in your tracks.
Besides, September is pretty much a favorite for us Mainers. I’m still wearing flip flops. But also a scarf. Still jumped into water when I could (and still might in October). Still making potholders with the niece, and seeing the Neph on stage. Still laughing with friends and trying to find new details in my house and trying to get more human interaction/less time in front of a screen (hard in this line of work, in this day and age). And putting in the quiet work to get me to some shifts as we head into a new year in a few months. So, September you seemed to go by in a blur, but also seemed to stand still at times. Either way, I’m always glad to see you.
9/1. Our last hoorah weekend at my pal’s camp.
9/2. Everyday things that grab my eye.
9/5. Reminder to look up sometimes.
9/6. Friend Birthday shenanigans in OOB.
9/9. Our sidewalk apple tree went crazy this year. But mostly just dropped apples to the ground.
9/10. Got a new book to read.
9/11. Alison. She and I met at a photo conference a few years ago. Then her family packed up their lives and moved to Portland. So we try to get together to eat food, drink drinks, and talk about life. And sometimes laugh about the terrible hashbrowns neither of us could manage to eat.
9/12. Paige. I used this moment to play with some B&W editing and I love some of the tones not just in her face, but around the rest of the image. Taken with the Nikon Z6 (as are many others in this post/project).
9/13. Potholder mayhem.
9/14. Met this human at an event. I could relate to many of her facial expressions.
9/15. Sundays & potholders & snacks. LET’S DO THIS.
9/19. The Totally Awesome Vegan Food Truck at Portside Real Estate’s Annual Autumn Equinox | Maine Audobon | Falmouth, Maine.
ps, they live up to their name!
9/20. Agents of Change Conference | Portland, Maine.
9/21. Floating day!
9/22. Delivering Smiles (aka home made potholders) to friends. And this goodbye hug.
9/24. Took the Neph to a college fair, so naturally we took a photo under this sign. But in fairness I wanted the better light.
9/25. Home.
9/26. A fractured tooth no longer lives in my mouth. So here’s a selfie of my laying around with an ice pack on my face.
9/27. More found things that catch my eye.
9/28. About to see the Neph in Matilda | Lyric Theater | South Portland, Maine.
9/29. Hula hoop dance off with the niece.
9/30. Lazy time.
So another month down, another shift into another season. I feel like October is going to be pretty great. And not just in front of my camera…