August. What even was that?
An interesting month, I guess. Kicking off with surgery to put the broken hubs back together again, humid and/or rained out photo shoots, crafty fun times for this Aunt (and the broken Uncle), a handful of plunges into water, news of a local favorite restaurant closing, ice cream, silliness, good conversation, plotting, some Netflix binging, and way more time with the hubs than pretty much ever.
Some Summer moments, but also the feeling that Summer disappeared while we were driving around to appointments, grocery shopping, sort of adulting, and watching six seasons of The Walking Dead. Some days where I didn’t feel like I had my heart in this project because my brain was needed elsewhere. Other days where I felt like I was definitely putting in the effort to continue to grow at my craft. So, a month like no other in some ways, yet like so many months in other ways.
August 1 / Scott Surgery day and the day I didn’t pick up my camera. So here is a photo from another day I the broken guy diaries.
8/2. 1st day of surgery recovery. This was my view for a large portion of the day.
8/3. Band in a barn.
8/4. Niece visit to entertain the healing broken guy. Instead she took his scooter and rode around the house.
8/5. One of those ‘waiting for a client to show up’ photos.
8/6. Pool Time. Same pool I spent my Summers in as a kid. Back in my day floats were not allowed! *please read that in your best old timey voice*
8/7. Post Photo shoot view.
8/8. Crafty fun times with this one. We started our potholder party fun times that we plan to continue for roughly until the world runs out of potholder loops. Oh, and I painted her nails.
8/9. That’s handy.
8/10. Broken guy wanted some plants, so I stopped everything to get him to a plant place :D
8/11. Brothers.
8/12. Tacos! And this tasty beverage.
8/13. Scooting around like a pro.
8/14. Check up day!
8/15. The day we ‘mailed smiles’ which is our new thing based on our potholder party fun. Assemble packages, write notes, add glitter to some, hit the post office, then hit the pool! But this image won for the day, even though there were 20 others I also liked.
8/16. Summer Fest turned into Hula HoopALOOOZA for us! So fun.
8/17. Wall in my office.
8/18. Got to hang with these friends ❤️
8/19. The lawn needed mowing. The lawn mower wouldn’t start. The broken guy got a part and got it fixed. Then stood on his crutches trying to get me to mow the way he likes. I can guarantee you it didn’t go his way. 😁
8/20. In the yard.
8/21. Another play date with this one. She brought ALL HER GAMES.
8/22. Sebago Lake.
8/23. CAKE!! Last Supper at Silly’s with these pals.
8/24. Lake day with some derby pals and we stopped for ice cream.
8/25. Broken guys is healing. This photo actually shows progress, even if it doesn’t look that way.
8/26. Happy Hour and people watching with my pal, Gab.
8/27. One of those 365 moments where I love the shift I see from my regular work, even if it doesn't grab other people the same way.
8/28. GLITTER and a laptop.
8/29. Having out after the first day of school. I added some of the glitter to her nails…
8/30. Another fun afternoon in the pool with the Niece and then she sat right in a super good spot of sunlight and we chatted about snacks and other things.
8/31. Camp with my super long time pal and her daughter. There is always a little September sadness at their camp. This year it’s more since this may be our last time here together. I know of a good camp for sale if anyone wants to buy it and let me hang out with you!
A lot can happen in a month, as this project continually shows me month after month. But when you are hurt, have surgery, can’t drive or work, looking back over a month’s time is also pretty crazy. Broken guy made serious progress from August 1 to the last day of the month, making us both feel like we are over that hump. Or at least the worst part of it. Which is great since technically the best month of the year is now here!
Bring it, September.