When you are vacationing in Maine, it’s smart if you also include time to do family photos. The Buchanans did just that, so between family gatherings and duck boat tours we hung out together in Portland.
Portland has so many spots that make for good photos, and there are ways to dodge the other tourists - even though it’s not always easy on a busy Summer day in Portland’s Waterfront!
I love the colors they chose, and the good mix of silly and …. well behaved :)
So, if you need a little inspiration for a Summer urban photo shoot with good smiles (seriously - note the lack of fake kid smiles!) and great outfits, please enjoy these images from my time with the Buchanan family…
Those eyes and smiles!
I can’t remember what was so funny, but whatever it was it was worth it to have these smiles happen.
I can’t get enough of this one.
haha! I love it when one of the siblings brings the silly.
And also this because it’s pretty funny……