In a year that has been anything but normal, it’s great to have people getting their senior photos scheduled. Nedra and I had a great time recently photographing her and letting her personality come through. A strong athlete and great student, this one also has a very natural ability in front of a camera. Luckily the sun was starting to set and her family members were getting hungry, otherwise I could have continued to photograph for hours!
Here’s a sneak peak of a few of my favorites from her session. And a reminder to everyone that senior photos don’t need to be boring. No photo shoot with me ever is, but….
Her mom asked me to get a photo showing this necklace as it is important to them as a family. I love it when people ask to do things like that. Plus it gave us a reason to experiment more which I also love!
So, thank you Nedra for being so fun and up for whatever! And to her family who patiently let us do what we wanted to get photos that show her as she is now. I hope your Senior year is filled with lots of good, despite things feeling so uncertain right now!
** And a reminder to those of you who keep bringing up Senior photos: reach out and get in the books! Not to be pushy, but the sooner the better. No matter what the beginning of the school year looks like this Fall, it’s going to suddenly feel hectic whether they are in school or learning at home.