Weeks ago I reached out to my friend Michelle to get her perspective. I knew her salon was in the early stages of figuring out how to open back up. Since she shared these words with me, they have re-opened. I’m sure there is more I can add to her story at this point, but this is what happens when I don’t blog at the same time as I share the images on Instagram! (* note to self).
Anyway, it’s Thursday so apparently that is blog catch up day and I’m here to share more stories of people’s now with a photo of them from my archives. A photo project I can do in my yoga pants and favorite red sweatshirt?! YES, I’ll do that thankyouverymuch.
One of my faves from a session with Michelle on a very cold day.
Michelle King || Hairdresser/ Co-owner Studio 119
1. What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?
On March 19th my business partner and I made the very difficult decision to close before a mandate was put into place, we made this decision to keep ourselves and our clients safe. My day to day life has changed incredibly staying home now with my two young daughters who would normally be in daycare and school.
2. What has been most challenging?
Staying present with my daughters has been my biggest challenge, in the stress of the situation it is easy to withdrawn myself. I had the opportunity to stay home for a few years when my girls were infants and while I was thankful to have this opportunity I have always admired stay at home moms, it was not easy for me, this experience has reaffirmed my admiration for teachers and daycare providers!
3. Have you found any silver linings you care to share?
I have enjoyed the slow down and have tried really hard to appreciate small moments; my older daughter for instance has her adult two front teeth growing in, I’m sure I would have noticed, but within isolation we have watched every fraction of an inch.
4. Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?
I will be scheduling clients very differently, in larger blocks of time with no double booking. I’m actually looking forward to a slower schedule that will allow me to not only ensure the cleanliness of the space but also to focus and be more present with each of my clients.
5. What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?
I am eager to be working freely again, I miss my clients and the relationships I share with them, it will be hard to return to the salon with heavy restrictions but it will be necessary to keep everyone safe.
Thanks Michelle, for sharing a piece of your story! I am looking forward to the days when we can all be in the salon again at the same time, sharing stories, and laughing our heads off. I for one know that a visit to your salon has a way of curing whatever might be ailing me, so those days will be welcome again when the time is right!
For now, safety precautions are the hot new trend xo.