You may know this guy, or at least you may have heard his voice on your radio in the morning if you live in Southern Maine. Whenever I see him he has a smile and a hug for me and makes the time to chat and laugh, even if we are both working. He is often a welcome and familiar face at any event I may run into him.
And plus, this photo is pretty classic Blake. I like an image of someone that makes me think I would probably get along with that person. Perhaps this is actually how I approach photographing people more often than I was aware.
This project is teaching me so much! Ha!
Blake, on a rooftop in 2019.
Blake Hayes
Occupation/Business: radio personality / morning show host (coast 93.1)
What is one notable change in your life since Covid19 has changed how we are able to do things?
I miss my friends! Of course we talk and text and video call often, but human connection is important to me. I miss being able to hug the people I love, and hug the people who start as strangers and could become friends.
Have you found any silver linings you care to share?
I have never felt more grateful to have a job, and a job that seems to mean something to people. Every day that we are on the radio, I feel like we are doing our show specifically for the front line. Because I’m lucky enough to still be working, I have been trying to support the local restaurants by getting takeout as often as I can. It’s a spoiled way to be living in these times, but it has given me something to look forward to each day: what amazing restaurant will I call today?! Plus, it’s been a nice way to connect with the community, even if just for a masked hand-off.
Are there any shifts you are hoping to stay in place as we move forward?
I think we have all connected with people in a deeper and more important way than we did before. I know I have reached out to friends who I hadn’t reached out to in awhile. And I’ve heard from people who I hadn’t talked to recently. I hope that continues! Life has slowed down. And sometimes it would be good to do that again.
What are you most looking forward to being able to do again?
Hug people!! Of all the things I miss right now, hugging people is number one. But I also can’t wait to sit at a bar, have a conversation with the bartender, without some homemade stitched cloth separating our faces, as I wait for friends to arrive, hug, and be close with one another.
Thanks, Blake for being part of this and for always being a friendly face whenever I run into you. I am looking forward to getting a hug in when the time finally allows!
xo~ jb