As I type this February is now behind us. I have been adding photos here all month so I would be ready to share and blog about another month of living the 365 photo project life. When I look at the images again I can see those days where we (or really I) was in the thick of it being February. So many indoor photos of homebody life, or occasionally getting outside only to meet up with people back inside. The days when I photographed a detail like my car or my kitchen counter or my floor, with only a few photos of anything happening outside. Maybe that will change now that March is here! (she types this as she looks out her window at the snow falling and another coating of white starting to cover the dirt and the pavement…)
But, here we are and here is how my February unfolded in front of my camera….
2/1 Olivia | Scarborough, Maine | waiting her turn to be photographed after her mom.
2/2 A hit to the face at roller derby | Happy Wheels | Portland, Maine.
2/3 Brothers on Super Bowl Sunday.
2/4 Trader Joe’s Parking lot | Portland, Maine.
2/5 at trivia | Gorham, Maine. ps we won!
2/6 On my floor.
2/7 Another slice of my life.
2/8 Another afternoon with Jamma and Button.
2/9 VW.
2/10 Hanging with the niece and neph, and creating animojis until my battery wears down.
2/11 Crafty.
2/12 Snow Storm happy hour with Amy.
2/13 Snow storm day, so here’s more finding light and home decor.
2/14 Valentine’s and afternoon distraction.
2/15 Leaving the Hospital | Portland, Maine.
So, confession time: I have a policy with myself to not change my mind once an image is picked, but on the 15th I posted a different photo and I now feel I made the wrong choice. So the photo above is the better photo, in my opinion, than the one I posted on FB. The one I chose originally was a little more dramatic and had more colors and light happening, but there are technical issues with it that bother me. SO, I went back to the one I felt I should pick. Yet I still question if choosing this one is the easy choice. The bottom line though is this image is better technically, and I like the different pockets of color. AND the human in the corner. I was intentional on my part to keep him in the frame.
On a personal level this was also a week where more than one family member was in a hospital for varying (hopefully temporary) life setback kind of things. It’s possible my head was not in the best place during this week, so my decision making was a little clouded. It’s also possible I wanted to somehow capture what was going on that week, but didn’t want to share other people’s personal happenings on my FB page because that’s not really my place.
This is one of those 365 photo things I still haven’t mastered. At times I am definitely protective of other people’s privacy, which seems like a contradiction when photographing and sharing your life everyday. But I know it’s not always my story to share, whether that’s a family member having medical things or even clients needing photos but not wanting them shared until they are ready, since it’s their story and their message…
Privacy in an era of oversharing. Ha! A whole different topic, so let’s get back to February and photos, shall we?
2/16 Roller Derby spectating with my heartshadesquad pals | Happy Wheels | Portland, Maine.
2/17 Sunday lunch and shopping with GG and Ablock | Sebago Brewing | South Portland, Maine.
2/18 Kitchen | Playing with my old 50 and shallow DOF.
2/19 Kitchen Copper.
2/20 Broth time.
2/21 Basement Sweat Station.
2/22 the day we celebrated National Margarita Day.
2/23 at Crisp | Scarborough, Maine.
2/24 OMG it’s my kitchen. AGAIN.
2/25 Art in a coffee shop | CIA coffee shop | South Portland, Maine.
2/26 Family.
2/27 Oh, there’s a snowflake in one of our windows I forgot was there!
2/28 Brunch with Chem | shooting with the nifty 50 and my coffee comes to me in this mug | Sinful Kitchen | Portland, Maine.
And that’s a wrap for February! I always want to end it like a film set with a big “THAT’S A WRAP EVERYONE” and we all clap, but also that’s more attention than I really like. So for now, just a quieter mini high five to myself and other photog pals for completing another month in the world of documenting your every day life, every day of this year.
* (Insert Judd Nelson fist to the sky final image at the end of The Breakfast Club here and every month of 2019)*