Here we are, month 3 of 2019. March is a funny time in the Northeast. There are sparks of hope for warmer days, coupled with snowstorm excitement.. Ice cream stands dare to start to open for the season and Mainers line up next to piles of dirty snow to get that taste of the Summer treat.
Frankly, it’s a bit confusing.
So, my camera and I spent time inside, but also tried to get out more, and chased light around my house, neighborhood, and community. Fun with the niece, and food with friends. Splashes of color and looking for something that would work well in black & white. My journey with the 365 project seems like a mixture of predictable and we’ll see what happens! That feels right.
Here is how March and I walked together. Ups and downs and laughs and aches and pains and challenges and rewards and ending feeling like a shift was happening. Seems like the right way to end the month and the winter season….
3/1 The niece {Button} and my mom {Jamma} being entertained by animojis.
3/2 My Pal Karen and I like to get together every so often for what we are now calling “Pirate Brunch”. I am on a quest to photograph the people in my life, and I finally got her! :D
3/3 After the Neph’s one act play.
3/4 Snow!
3/5 These. I have missed them.
3/6 Office time.
3/8 Button at the salon. My new favorite thing to photograph.
3/9 Brother in law broke his leg. Last time we saw him he was recovering in the hospital. Progress!
3/14 My kitchen shows me different light and colors and it’s pretty great.
3/15 THAT JOJO BOW! More ladies hang time with Button and Jamma.
3/16 Selfies at roller derby where all my derby pals talk to her and make her feel awesome and I’m super grateful for that.
3/17 Projects for Spring.
3/18 I didn’t go in, but I liked the light and the composition so I dropped my grocery bags and took a photo. or 5.
3/19 Home nook. Metal owl by the hubs.
3/20 Feeling uninspired on this day, so I went to Smaha’s to get some yummy eats and saw this as I was headed to my car. So, again, I dropped my groceries and took out the camera, framed it a few different ways, put the camera away and picked up groceries and continued on my merry way like one does when photographing in alleys or on other people’s property.
3/21 Hung out with this kid after she got off the bus. I think this was the second outfit of the afternoon.
3/22 My Friends are fun.
3/23 Sopo.
3/24 Hangman and personal space invasion with these two xo.
3/25 More kitchen colors, etc.
3/26 Pasta steam. This is something I keep wanting to get better at shooting. So, just in case you see a similar photo again during this project…
3/27 I decided I might like Yin Yoga.
3/28 This day’s cycle class kicked my butt. I have been working on not letting that happen in the future. Or at least not as badly as it did this day. Anyway, this little space on the wall spoke to me.
3/29 I surrendered to a sick day.
3/30 A roller derby baby shower.
3/31 in the final days of 15 he sat in a chair, chatting with me, and played with his sister’s homemade ‘fortune teller.’
So, that was my March! I am sure I am not alone in being ready for Spring to show up and for more time outside. And with that, I am off to get caught up on April images….