On a dreary day, people walked to help raise money for a cause. I went to support my brother, and stayed just for the photos of Thunder.
Spoiler: it’s my nephew in that mascot costume.
Red Storm Strikes Out Cancer has been walking and fundraising or the last 7 years (or maybe 8? 10?). I’m trying to dig for the info, and may need to clarify later - but either way for what seems like roughly the last decade of our lives my brother has created and organized a team at his school to participate in and raise money for Mary’s Walk and the Maine Cancer Foundation. Starting last year they moved the walk to the school, while still donating all the money to the Maine Cancer Foundation.
I missed last year’s walk, but my cameras and I were able to get there this year.
How could I miss it? Besides being for a great cause, my nephew was the school mascot and that made my camera’s day. But also, it was great to see all these young people taking time after school to be part of this and make a difference.
This makes me laugh every time.
Thunder (the Neph) and my brother (creator of Red Storm Strikes Out Cancer and two time cancer survivor).
Ray from Maine Cancer Foundation came to the walk, and made a great speech reminding everyone how they are making a difference.
The niece thanked everyone for supporting her dad and so that made some people cry. Maybe.
Waiting for everyone to finish the walk..
Here they come! The niece and Neph … I mean THUNDER are ready to greet all the walkers.
So, once again a community of people came together and proved that we can all make a difference. An idea can grow into an event and people will show support and donate their time and money in the name of helping each other /a cause / a neighbor/friend/teacher who needs a little extra boost or is trying to help others.
The odd positive spin of having cancer impact your own family so much. Which isn’t the worst thing that could happen.
xo ~ jb