April. Month 4 of the 365 photo project for 2019. A time in Maine when we think YA winter is over! Maybe. Well, ok here’s some more snow and actually it’s still kind of cold but also here’s a bunch of rain and also some occasional sun so might as well start trying to wear flip flops but keep your boots in the car just in case. At least that’s how it goes for me.
April was an interesting month in my world. Things shifted in my life and some changes were made and some drawn out things were over and I felt perhaps more focused. There was also some family health stuff that was tough but also came with some victories and showing of great support. Birthdays, doctor visits, worry, laughter, silliness, tacos, snow, rain, ice cream, sweat, and hard work. So, maybe it was like any other month..
It wasn’t. But thankfully my camera helps remind me of that.
4/2 | Signs of Spring | Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
4/3 | Soy. This was a tough day for law enforcement in Maine. His dad is a trooper and we showed up at their house with food and distraction. We thought we were distracting him but kids are pretty great at being silly enough to make adults forget tough stuff, even if for just a few minutes.
4.4 | Boston with the brother for a follow up post cancer surgery.
4/5 | Trying out a new camera. I didn’t end up buying it :D
4/6. | When the sky gets all crazy and you’re headed to the grocery store. | South Portland, Maine.
4/7. | The Neph and his pals celebrating a birthday. His. He turned 16 this month!
4/8 | Visiting my pals at Mad Gab’s | Yarmouth, Maine.
4/9 | Oh, hi snow! Went out in my pj’s and into my neighbor’s yard because 365 life.
4/10 | A happy accident while walking around Portland/ perhaps my one selfie for the year in this project.
4/11 | I got to see these two and remember how much I miss collaborating with them. SO get ready for their upcoming Port Fringe project!
4/12 | Finally got to meet Molly. And have ice cream together and smear chocolate on our teeth.
4/13 | On this day the family celebrated the Neph’s 16th birthday and took a family photo in matching shirts celebrating my brother’s 2nd win against cancer. This was my favorite image of the day, but I went back and forth because I ‘thought’ I should share a more birthday like photo. But this is not only my favorite of the day, but one of my favorites from the month, and I had to remind myself why I am doing this project and what I’m working towards.
4/14. I didn’t sweep, but maybe someone in my house did on this day. Who really knows?
4/15 | Once April hits I start to spend afternoons or the second chunk of my work day on my three season porch (which is also a writing or napping spot). Sometimes I work, sometimes I need to get away from computers, and sometimes I look at the light and try to find new things to photograph. This day this caught my eye. I decided to take 2019 off from doing the TRI For A Cure, and then my brother got a second cancer diagnosis and I had a moment of feeling conflicted about my decision to take this year off. However, I now know I made the right choice. Not sure why, but taking this year off is the right thing to do.
4/16. This was my 365EFFYA moment. Where all the carrying my camera all over the place paid off with this quick moment between friends as we all started to head out the door and go home. I stopped here to say hi, even though I wanted to go home. I got the bonus of seeing more people I knew and had my camera out when this happened. Multiple levels of why I am glad I was there and glad I am doing this thing where I photograph people living life.
4/17 |The Neph. He is a hand talker but maybe I am too…? IDK :D
4/18 | Birthday Fun | El Rayo | Scarborough, Maine.
4/19 | I have been watching her a lot lately. 6 is hard sometimes and she is filled with fun energy and sometimes frustration. She was sick this month for about a week. It seems like April was a challenging month for her but she’s 6/almost 7 so she bounces back and plays hard and laughs that awesome laugh and we high five and take photos and talk about life stuff and she makes up new rules and tells me what to do and we invent games and compliment each other. It’s all pretty great.
4/20 | Saturday Night View because SNL and couch napping.
4/21 | Easter. She insisted her uncle and I sit with her on a bench that really wasn’t big enough for all 3 of us. :)
4/22 | i GOT A MIRRORLESS CAMERA! So here’s a photo I took with it. More soon…
4/23 | Sopo side of the bridge.
4/24 | Time to sweat then play with the old nifty fifty.
4/25 | She wanted me to come over to see what she was wearing to school the next day. It was this - a fox outfit. It has a tail.
4/26 | This is where a thing called Social Media Breakfast happens these days.
4/27 | Birthday party for the niece. Hard to pick on a day with so many funny kid photos!
4/28 | Here’s a peak into my brain while doing a 365 project… many days when I work from home or don’t see too many other people and I ask myself WHAT IF and What would it look like if…? Let’s see what it’s like inside the dishwasher. Ok, That’s cool, actually and I like the light and color in the top rack. So, not let’s try it with the 35, the 50, the 85 and see how that works. Went with the one shot with the 35 at 1.4
4/29 | Pasta!
4/30. Afternoon hang time with these two/ when the Neph puts on a Hairspray song and the Niece pops out of the laundry basket she was trying to stuff herself into.
So, there we go! April in a nutshell, minus all the moments that didn’t get captured and all the photos that didn’t make the cut. It almost doesn’t matter that May started with coats, scarves, and mittens while getting ice cream, because today as I post this the sun is out and Summer is on its way!
And I think roughly all of the people I know are so ready.