So, here we are, one month into 2019 and a few days into a winter cold snap. It’s not “Minnesota cold” here in Maine, but it’s cold enough for my car to have issues and my furnace to remind us we are on borrowed time. Nonetheless, my camera and I persisted.
2017 was the year of the 52 week photo challenge (which turned into more of a ‘Sundays with my camera’), and 2018 I was challenged to a photo a day project, aka a 365 photo challenge. These things have been so helpful in getting me back to shooting the kind of work I love, and making time to document every day life. So, as 2018 ended I didn’t feel like stopping and have continued on with a 365 photo project for 2019. This year I am also working on getting back to blogging after a hiatus. Thankfully I have this project for extra subject matter!
{1/365} Fresh New Year. I like it.
{2/365} Reminder to look up sometimes. There’s lots of pretty stuff when you do that.
{3/365} When my neighbor appears with the snowblower I go and grab my camera. :)
{4/365} On this day I needed to get out of the house. I drove around looking for something to photograph. I remember feeling kind of meh and not focused. But in this moment that all went away, I knew I got my shot, and headed back to my car feeling good about how the day unfolded. Photography is funny that way.
{5/365} Maggie at the Big Ass Rooster show | Salvage BBQ | Portland, Maine. Her dad was joining the band this night.
{6/265} Hangtime with the niece and my mom.
{7/365} I’ll have what he’s having.
{9/365} I adulted well on this day - I went to the dentist for the first time in a long time. Found this in the parking lot.
This is how my January unfolded. Winter in Maine sometimes keeps us inside or a little isolated at times. So on some days I leave the house to chase light, eat a meal with a friend, run errands, play games with the niece, go to the movies with the neph, go to the dentist, to watch roller derby, or head to NYC for a quick one night trip. My camera comes with me for almost all of it, with the exception of the days when I know I got what I needed and it’s ok to head out without it (and give my shoulders a break).
{10/365} NYC. She was singing as I walked down the street, so my camera wanted to capture her.
{11/365} Last night we celebrated Sarah, so it was a rough morning for some.
Some days I get to sit and watch for repeated behaviors, which is what i did on this day watching these first graders put their hands in the air and wave them like they just don’t care. Except they do care. They care about getting that basketball and scoring. Over and over again they would all be under the basket with their arms up, sometimes with their eyes closed. It was kind of funny.
{15/365} Trivia and GIF lessons.
{17/365} Icy sidewalk at the end of the day.
{19/365} Women’s March, Portland Maine.
{21/365} After Mary Poppins. He’s so good at standing in the right light and waiting for me… :D
{22/365} Through my windshield.
I’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself as I do this for a second year in a row. I know a lot of us creatives will do that - set ourselves up to not succeed because we actually want to improve. Then life throws a curveball and maybe things don’t stay on course. I have some goals but also have an understanding of how hard it is to be 100% all day every day. I want to make sure I get as many people in my project as I can, I want my shooting and my editing to improve as I go along, and I want to take risks and try new things when the moments call for it. But other days I want to make sure I stay focused on the project and keep moving forward. I feel strongly that working on something EVERY DAY only makes you better, even if it takes some time to see any improvements. So, doing a 365 photo project is another way of committing to your craft and working to be better.
{23/365} The hubs made those metal elephants, the painting on the wall, and the furniture all of these items are sitting on.
{24/365} Brunching with one of my photog & 365 pals.
{25/365} Derby pal who spends time in this coffee shop drawing every day before work.
{26/365} Tenacity.
{27/365} There’s a new gym in town and they are pretty cool.
{28/365} Playing with an old lens at the beach on a cold day.
{29/365} #everydaylife except I drive a small car so don’t have to do this very often.
{30/365} Nella my neighbor playing in the snow while my car battery gets charged in the background. :D
{31/365} The niece and my mom. Aren’t they cute toghether?
There we go! Ended the month on a good note — photo shoot in the cold (my camera and fingers weren’t super happy) then warmed up by the fire with these two playing apple to apples until the sun was gone. Now we are moving on to February!
And another photo shoot in the cold…
Stay Warm! xo ~ jb